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British reform activist filmed making racist remarks about Rishi Sunak | British reform

British reform activist filmed making racist remarks about Rishi Sunak | British reform


A British reform campaigner from Nigel Farage's constituency has been secretly filmed making highly racist remarks about Rishi Sunak and using Islamophobic and other abusive language.

Farage said he was disappointed by the views expressed by reform campaigner Andrew Parker, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News.

The channel also secretly filmed long-time party activist George Jones, who organised events for Farage and made homophobic remarks, desecrated the Pride flag and was called a “nonsense” by LGBT people.

The emergence of the footage, which was filmed last week, comes after the Guardian reported that Raymond Saint had been added to the British National Party's membership list on the same day that Reform stood down another candidate for the seat.

The most serious commentary, uncovered by Channel 4 News, involved Parker being secretly filmed while on a car trip around Clacton, his favourite neighbourhood, in an attempt to oust the incumbent Conservative.

During one trip, Parker described Sunak as a fucking man. [P-word]. He said: I've always been a Tory voter, but what annoys me is that damn [P-word] We're in. What good is he? You tell me, you know. He's just wet. It's fucking useless.

Addressing a reporter posing as an activist, who stressed that it was illegal to discuss immigration with minority voters, Parker called Islam a cult and said: “We are kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.

In a conversation with a voter outside his house, Parker proposes shooting asylum seekers trying to come to Britain in small boats. You got a deal, don't you, he says, referring to a town in Kent. A place near Dover. Recruiting for the army. Take the young recruits there, yeah, on the fucking beach, with guns, and practice shooting. Just fucking shoot them.

In another covertly filmed conversation, in a pub in Clacton, Jones reacts with disdain as he sees a police car passing by carrying a Pride flag. He says: Do you see that damn corrupt flag on the front bonnet? What does that old bill promote that crap? They need to catch the nonce not promoting the assholes.

Later, explaining the policies of the future reform government, Jones said: Our police will be paramilitary and not police. And the party must bring back the noose.

In a statement to Channel 4 News, Parker said Farage and Reform were unaware of his views and he apologised if they had reflected negatively or defamed him.

He said he wanted to make it clear that neither Nigel Farage nor the Reform Party knew my personal views on immigration. Everything I said in that recording was my personal views on every subject I mentioned. I never discussed my personal views with the Reform Party or Nigel Farage before I went on the campaign trail.

Farage said: I am disappointed by the reported comments from a small number of people involved in my local campaign, particularly volunteers, who will no longer be involved in the campaign.

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The appalling sentiments expressed by some in these exchanges have nothing to do with my views, the views of the majority of our supporters or Reform UK policy. Some of the language used was reprehensible.

The party quickly distanced itself from such rhetoric, but it is the latest in a series of controversies in which reform candidates or other party figures have been found to have said offensive things or held extreme views.

This month, British Reform candidate Grant StClair-Armstrong resigned after it was revealed he had previously encouraged people to vote for the BNP.

The party appears to have yet to take action against candidates in Southend East and Rochford who are understood to have said arriving asylum seekers should be massacred.

The Times reports that Leslie Lilly made the comments in a Facebook post in 2020, referring to the influx of more waste into the UK.




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