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Young and restless cricketer Danny arrives on Bold and the Beautiful

Young and restless cricketer Danny arrives on Bold and the Beautiful


Michael Damian, Lauralee Bell. Howard Wise/JPI Studios

Cricket and Danny from the Young and the Restless say goodbye to Genoa City (for a minute) and head to Los Angeles for the ultimate crossover on The Bold and the Beautiful.

Us Weekly can exclusively reveal that Lauralee Bell and Michael Damian, who play Christine “Cricket” and Danny, respectively, on Y&R, are filming two episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful on Thursday, June 27.

“We’re all really excited,” Bell, 55, told Us of the crossover. “What we do is so authentic to the story. »

Lauralee explained that her brother, Bradley Bell, who is an executive producer and head writer on B&B, “saw we were doing something on Y&R and he thought it would be great for B&B.”

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She revealed that since musician Danny is touring with his band on Y&R, “of course he would have a gig in LA and that's how the idea came about.”

In the two-episode crossover, which will air in August, “Danny and Christine are invited to the Forrester Estate for a party celebrating the successful relaunch of Brooke Logan's (Katherine Kelly Lang) fashion line 'Brooke's Bedroom'… at least that’s what they think,” according to the synopsis.

“Danny and Christine don't know that Brooke and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) have invited them to pitch their new business. Not to be outdone, Danny decides to put on a surprise performance for the partygoers,” reads the synopsis.

Sonja Flemming/CBS

Lauralee told Us that the cast and crew of both shows were “downright giddy” about bringing Cricket and Danny into the world of B&B.

“We’re all really excited about it,” she said, recalling: “Six months ago there was a rumor that I was coming to the B&B and I thought, ‘If I’m going, no one’s told me!’ It’s a perfect reason.”

Soap fans may remember that Cricket, played by Lauralee, joined B&B in 2007, but she said this time it was “100% legal. It was just a court case.”

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This time around, Lauralee told us it will be “completely the opposite” as she will be able to “dress up and have fun.”

When Cricket returns to Los Angeles for her appearance on Bold and Beautiful, she will be supporting Danny's world tour. The actress hinted that viewers will see Cricket in a “rock star girlfriend” outfit, telling us that a “short black dress” is part of her costume.

The plot will also focus on the rock star side of Danny's character. “We’ve never done a concert of this magnitude,” Lauralee said.

The crossover also comes as Lauralee and Damian “celebrate our 40th anniversary as Cricket and Danny,” she told Us, revealing, “So you're picking up right where you left off.” We're doing a remix of a great song from before, but you'll have to wait and see what it turns out! »

Cricket and Danny married on The Young and the Restless in 1990 after meeting in 1984. They eventually split after Danny cheated. (He later learned that he wasn't unfaithful, but that he had been drugged by a woman who made him believe they had slept together.)

The soap opera couple dated for years — in between other romances and marriages. On a March episode of Y&R, Danny asked Cricket to go on tour with him and she said “yes,” meaning they're back together.


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“What’s great is that we’re coming to L.A. with the same personalities that we had back then, smiling and laughing and being together,” Lauralee told Us of the upcoming B&B episodes. “When you’re in a deep story, there’s tears and drama and that’s when we’re the happiest.”

Cricket and Danny's appearances on The Bold and the Beautiful will air on CBS on Tuesday, August 13 and Wednesday, August 14 at 1:30 p.m. ET/12:30 p.m. PT.

With reporting by Travis Cronin




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