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Bootstrap Funding, Fraudulent Candidates and a Tired Nigel Parry

Bootstrap Funding, Fraudulent Candidates and a Tired Nigel Parry


Nigel Farage turned up at Jaywick's Three Jays pub midway through England's poor performance against Slovenia on Tuesday.

He came outside with a cigarette and a glass of gin in hand to discuss the sometimes faltering performance of his own populist Reform UK party.

Volunteers are in dire straits, candidates are having to raise money online, and bootstrapped campaigns have been plagued by a string of racist or misogynistic comments from candidates and legal uproar involving vetting companies.

Am I cocky and overconfident? No, a veteran anti-EU campaigner told the Financial Times. I am 60 years old. Whatever happens, I will accept it.

The anti-Brexiter is the majority shareholder of the party but only returned to leadership four weeks ago. He criticized the party's former management for a list of candidates that included people who had previously praised elements of Hitler's leadership or supported the British National Party.

The candidates have been there for months, he claimed. I inherited it.

Nigel Farage (right) has criticised his predecessor Richard Tice (left) for including a list of candidates who previously praised elements of Hitler's leadership. Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

He also criticized and threatened to sue the screening companies that are supposed to scrutinize candidates. But these revelations have left a feeling that, despite the momentum, this is a campaign that lacks control.

Paula Surridge, professor of politics at the University of Bristol, said party organisations could undermine their efforts to win seats. They lack local organisation, so they end up running national campaigns through the media, she said.

The reforms have helped the party act as a sponge for Tory discontent, with some polls showing it outperforming the ruling Conservative Party.

The FT's analysis of opinion polling data shows that approval ratings jumped from 11% in the first week of the campaign to around 16% after Farage decided to run, and splitting the right-wing vote could cost the Conservatives about 60 seats.

The reforms' sharp rise in opinion polls since Farage took the helm shows how essential the former stockbroker is to their wider appeal.

According to FT modelling, Farage is expected to beat Claxon, who won the Tories a majority of 24,000 seats in the last election.

Farage at the Armfield Club in Blackpool. He urged the resort town to join the revolt for change Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images

Farage has said he hopes to build a mass movement and reshape the right wing of British politics if elected to parliament. There are even some within the Conservative Party who believe he could lead the party one day.

The next Congress will be completely devoid of real debate and real issues. And I think I have something to add.

With less than a week until polling day, Farage admitted he was feeling the pressure. The party's campaign saw him ping-ponging between Claxon and dozens of campaign venues across the country.

He admitted that he was a little tired but was trying. I'm there.

Farage was in the English Channel on a fishing boat at 4am that morning, filming a dinghy full of asylum seekers and declaring that the navy should escort them to France. He made immigration a key element of his campaign.

Samantha, a 56-year-old police commissioner from Clacton, said Farage met voters where they were. He spoke his mind and told them what they wanted to hear, she said. I think immigration is a big issue for him in this election and I think he’s right.

At the pub, Farage mingled freely with the locals, closely watched by two security guards. He wore a Union Jack-emblazoned vest and took photographs with children in England football shirts.

But his handshakes are coupled with a more abrasive demeanor that has branded him a Putin apologist.

In an interview with the BBC last week, he repeated his comments in 2014 that EU and NATO expansion prompted Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He later said his remarks had been misrepresented, but not before they were published on the front page of the right-wing Daily Mail newspaper.

Luke Tryl, director of consulting firm More in Common, said the comments were troubling for Farage and lowered the party's potential voter cap by reinforcing concerns about his brand.

A poll conducted by More in Common this week found that more than a quarter of Conservative voters in 2019 thought Farage supported Russia rather than Ukraine.

Farage's entourage for the evening at Jaywick included Raheem Kassam, his former aide and associate of Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon.

Farages' comments about Vladimir Putin strengthened concerns about his brand of reform, said commentator Jeff Overs/BBC/Getty Images.

Like Trump, Farage instinctively shifts blame for his party's misdeeds onto others.

The reform leader criticized the party's investigative firm, saying it could not complete its review because of information omissions. Although he said it was part of a broader investigation, he ultimately acknowledged that the case was more likely a breach of contract than outright fraud.

Although large donors have returned to the party, there are still only about 860,000 large donations in the first two weeks of this year's campaign, compared to 2.3 million in 2019.

Party candidates said they had to set up crowdfunding pages to fund their efforts and received no resources from the central party. At least 140 people are raising money this way, with about 87,000 people across four platforms.

Political candidates said they should start crowdfunding efforts. Andy Rain/EPA/Shutterstock

But Farage thinks he can reshape the entire British right within five years of taking office. TikTok's accelerated timeline allows his clips to spread online quickly.

My political career didn't really take off until 2007-2008, when footage of him berating a member of the European Parliament on YouTube brought him notoriety. I did a lot of work for the European Parliament and all. There are so many. I made them all famous.

Some commentators say Farage's entry into Parliament risks tilting the Conservative Party to the right and sending it into electoral oblivion.

But potential Tory leadership contenders Kemi Badenoch and Priti Patel are understood to have joined the party and dismissed any attempts by the reform leader to deliver on his promise to turn the party around.

Farage has made immigration a centerpiece of his campaign. Phil Noble/Reuters

Parridge may even face his own internal leadership challenges. He said that right now he is the right person to lead the reforms, but as time goes by, he is prepared to step aside. I'm not the kind of massive narcissist people think I am. If someone better comes along, that would be fantastic, he said.

Farage believed a 40-year-old could succeed him, but past behavior suggests a graceful retreat would not fit his strategy.

Tony Mack, who first campaigned for Reform as a candidate in Clacton before being replaced by Farage, was sitting in the corner of the same pub, his local pub, when the party leader came to watch the England game.

Mack said he received a phone call just before Farage announced to the press that he was replacing him at Clacton. I don't think that's fair, open and honest. I don't think it's in keeping with his rhetoric.

Farage painted a different picture of the decision. I spent an inordinate amount of time talking to him, and he made promises that I would keep. And I think I've had personality clashes with other people, but not with myself.

Clacton's Reform Party candidate Tony Mack said he “believed it was not fair, open and honest” about his ouster. Daniel Jones/FT

He said people did not fall out with him, but chose his own path, and dedicated allies have supported him for decades.

People who think they are bigger than me and more important to me. It's okay. Let them think that way…it usually doesn't work out well. [for them].

But according to the party's polls, relying on just one person to work a full day, from dawn until the final order bell rings in the pub, remains a serious weakness.

A senior Reform Party official admitted the party needed to expand. The Reform Party's future will depend largely on how many members it wins, they said, and equally on who they are.




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