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Russia warns it may respond to US drone flights over Black Sea

Russia warns it may respond to US drone flights over Black Sea


Russia's defense minister has ordered officials to prepare a response to U.S. drone flights over the Black Sea, the ministry said Friday, in an apparent warning that Moscow could take aggressive action to repel American reconnaissance aircraft.

The Russian Defense Ministry noted a recent increase in the intensity of US drones over the Black Sea, saying they are carrying out intelligence and targeting operations of precision weapons supplied to the Ukrainian military by Western countries for strikes on Russian installations.

This shows increased involvement of the United States and other NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kiev regime, the ministry said in a statement.

He noted that such flights significantly increase the likelihood of incidents involving Russian military aircraft, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the Alliance and the Russian Federation.

NATO members will bear responsibility, he added.

The ministry said that Defense Minister Andrei Belousov had asked the General Staff to make proposals on measures for operational response to provocations.

Washington and Moscow have already clashed over this issue. In March 2023, a Russian Su-27 fighter jet damaged an American MQ-9 Reaper drone, causing it to crash into the Black Sea. This is the first direct clash between Russian and American forces since the Cold War.

A repeat of such a confrontation could further inflame tensions linked to the war in Ukraine.

The Pentagon and U.S. European Command said after the incident that two Russian Su-27 jets dropped fuel on the MQ-9, which was conducting a routine surveillance mission over the Black Sea in space international air travel.

The Russian Defense Ministry said at the time that the American drone was flying near the Russian border and entered an area declared prohibited by Russian authorities.

Russia has declared large areas near Crimea off-limits to flights. Since Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 and well before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow has accused U.S. surveillance planes of flying too close to its borders while ignoring warnings issued by Russia.

Friday's Russian statement follows a Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol over the weekend with American-made ATACMS missiles, which left four dead and around 150 injured, according to Russian authorities.

Russian officials claimed the United States was directly involved in the attack by providing intelligence and targeting, and warned of taking retaliatory measures.

Also on Friday, the Belarusian military said it had reinforced its forces along Ukraine's northern border in response to what it described as security threats.

The Belarusian Defense Ministry said it had deployed several rocket launchers in an unspecified section of the 1,084-kilometer (700-mile) border.

Authoritarian Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has close ties with Russia and has authorized Moscow to use his country's territory to invade Ukraine in February 2022.

The Belarusian announcement came after the country's border agency said its troops had shot down a Ukrainian drone that had crossed the border to gather intelligence.


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