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Minnesota competitors gear up as U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials begin in Minneapolis

Minnesota competitors gear up as U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials begin in Minneapolis


The nation's top gymnasts are in Minneapolis this week, vying for spots at the Summer Olympics in Paris. Olympic hopefuls are competing to be among the five men and five women who will try to win gold at the Summer Games.

Competitors include Minnesotans Suni Lee of St. Paul and Shane Wiskus of Spring Park.

Lee won a gold medal, a silver medal and a bronze medal at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.

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Gymnast Sunisa Lee practices on the uneven bars before the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials at Target Center on Wednesday.

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Gymnast Sunisa Lee chalks her hands before the U.S. Gymnastics Olympic Trials at Target Center on Wednesday.

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Gymnast Sunisa Lee practices on the balance beam ahead of the 2024 U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Trials at Target Center on Wednesday. Next slide

The 21-year-old has spent much of the past two years battling multiple kidney problems and began training this week feeling ill. Her longtime coach Jess Graba, however, said she didn't think it would hamper Lees' ability to compete when the women's trials begin Friday night.

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Lee is coming off a promising performance at the U.S. Championships, where she finished a solid fourth in the all-around while impressing on uneven bars and balance beam, her two best events.

She's a little nervous, because you're at home. But it's a little weird, because you don't feel like you're at home, but you know you are, Graba said. I think it's great. We are both very happy to be here. And we can share our city and our region with everyone.

Coming home made former Gopher Wiskus grateful.

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Gymnastics fans react during the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Trials, Men's Day, Wednesday in Minneapolis.

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Shane Wiskus is introduced to the public before the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials on Wednesday in Minneapolis.

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Shane Wiskus reacts after competing in the men's rings during the United States Olympic Gymnastics Trials Thursday in Minneapolis.

“I’m grateful to be here, to still be able to do what I do,” he said. “I still remember how I felt as a young gymnast. And, you know, no matter what happens this weekend, I can already confidently say that 12-year-old Shane would be very proud of where I am today. And, you know, that gives me a lot of comfort.”

Wiskus also competed in Tokyo and won the 2021 Nissen-Emery Award, given to the nation's top senior collegiate gymnast.

While many Minnesotans will have their eyes on Wiskus and Lee, gymnastics fans are also keeping an eye on Simone Biles, who put mental health at the forefront of the Olympic conversation when she prioritized her safety over her quest for medals in Tokyo. She has been transparent about her current struggles and believes she is better prepared for what might await her in Paris.

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Frederick Richard competes in the men's pommel horse event at the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials on Wednesday in Minneapolis.

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Gymnast Simone Biles practices on the uneven bars before the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials at Target Center on Wednesday.

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Gymnast Simone Biles practices on the uneven bars ahead of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials at Target Center on Wednesday. Next slide

The U.S. Olympic gymnastics team trials begin Thursday and run through Sunday at the Target Center in Minneapolis. The men's Olympic team will be announced Saturday and the women's team will be announced Sunday.

How to watch the gymnastics tournament in Minneapolis

Only resale tickets are currently available and prices range from $60 to $375 per day. The program of events is as follows:

Thursday: 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Day 1 for men

Friday: 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Women's Day 1

Saturday: 2pm-5pm Men, Day 2

Sunday: 7pm-10pm Women's Day 2

No video cameras of any kind are permitted during testing. The use of mobile phones to record video is prohibited. All still images taken must be for personal use only.

Fans are allowed to bring signs and banners that support athletes and national teams. Signs or banners with any other type of messages are not permitted. Signs and banners shall not be larger than 24 inches by 36 inches or block the view of other spectators when displayed.

If you did not get tickets

Coverage of the gymnastics tryouts will air on NBC, USA Network and Peacock.

If you're in downtown Minneapolis, you can attend these free gymnastics events in person:

North Walk

Thursday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The magic of Paris is coming to downtown Minneapolis. For four days, Nicollet Mall will transform into Promenade du Nord, a Parisian street fair featuring a market with more than 60 local vendors, outdoor dining, street performers, gymnastics demonstrations, music and more.

Flip Zone presented by Target

Thursday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., outside the Target Center and Target Field.

The official fan festival of Gymnastics City USA is Flip Zone presented by Target. The event includes a parkour class, musical performances, watch parties and appearances by popular gymnasts. Click here for a full schedule of Flip Zone activities.

Shane Wiskus performs his vault routine during the U.S. Olympic Team Trials practice day for men's gymnastics at Target Center on Tuesday.

Kerem Ycel | MPR News

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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