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U.S. Central Command to Demonstrate Integrated Anti-Drone Sensors This Fall

U.S. Central Command to Demonstrate Integrated Anti-Drone Sensors This Fall


TAMPA, Fla. — U.S. Central Command is planning a series of exercises aimed at addressing key gaps in its ability to detect and track drone threats in the Middle East.

Amid a sharp increase in one-way drone attacks against U.S. and allied forces by Iraq, Syria and Houthi rebels, CENTCOM is working with the Pentagon's Chief Digital and AI Office to identify sensors capable of detecting adversary systems and integrating them into a command and control framework. Earlier this month, the command's innovation team solicited industry proposals for the effort, dubbed Desert Guardian.

Maj. Bryan Cercy, an innovation officer at CENTCOM, told C4ISRNET that the innovation team will select sensors to participate in an exercise in the United States in October this summer that focuses on detecting drone threats. Early next year, it will hold a second exercise, this one at a base in the Middle East, focused on integrating those sensors into a single interface used by operators in the field.

Our proof of concept is that there is a world where all of these different sensors are integrated together and they provide the user, the operator, with a common picture of the threats that are on the base, Cercy said June 25 during an interview at CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, Fla. “Maybe we're not accomplishing everything, but we're taking a step toward making operators, on a day-to-day basis, more effective.”

The command’s innovation office regularly holds technology sprints to identify challenges operators face and try to find solutions. The upcoming demonstrations are part of a series of sprints the team has held this year to counter drone threats.

Efforts began in March with several fact-finding missions. The CENTCOM innovation team traveled to the Middle East to observe operators and learn first-hand the challenges they face in executing their missions.

CENTCOM also leveraged its Technology Residency Program, which temporarily integrates private sector experts within the command to help resolve technical challenges. He then sent his resident to observe operators tracking UAS threats and better understand their capability needs.

As Rinderer compiled his findings, CENTCOM conducted its own market research to find out what other organizations were doing to address counter-UAS needs and if there was a gap that the innovation team could address. had to concentrate.

Countering UAS is a very broad problem that many of the department's organizations are currently trying to solve, Cercy said. We need to do our due diligence on the fighter to really see if there's already something out there that could close that gap, even just a little bit.

It became clear during this work, he said, that while base defense operators have access to many sensors, they lack an integrated picture of the threat.

“You have operators operating on different systems trying to protect against threats to the base, and sometimes those systems don't necessarily communicate with each other,” he said. “They're not integrated, and so there's a lot of swinging between different operators to make sure they're all detecting a threat. »

After the two exercises, if the team identifies a capability that it believes could benefit operators, it will work to find an acquisition path within the Department of Defense to get it to the field. That could mean writing a joint urgent operational requirements request or forwarding the findings to the Pentagon’s Joint Counter UAS Office or a program office that might be looking for a similar capability.

Air Force Col. Nate Huston, CENTCOM's director of innovation and capability integration, said in the same interview that part of the goal behind technology sprints like this is to demonstrate a process for identifying innovative solutions to problems on the ground and validating whether there is a capacity that can address them.

What we mean is, 'Hey, we started at this point, we brought these disparate people together, we showed that this could be integrated,'” he said. The other part is . . . we fully understand that a certain integration won't work exactly right, and we will learn from that.

Courtney Albon is C4ISRNET's space and emerging technologies reporter. She has covered the U.S. military since 2012, focusing on the Air Force and Space Force. She reported on some of the Department of Defense's most significant acquisition, budget and policy challenges.




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