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2024 Motorsport UK Academy Young Driver of the Year finalists announced

2024 Motorsport UK Academy Young Driver of the Year finalists announced


The five shortlisted candidates for the Motorsport UK Academy 2024 Young Driver of the Year award have been announced by Zone Driver Performance ahead of judging taking place on Tuesday 9 July.

Each year, an outstanding sophomore is nominated for this award in recognition of athletic excellence, academic achievement, accomplishments, effort and overall participation.

Connor Clifford (MSVT Mazda MX5 Miata Trophy), Seb Hopkins (Porsche Sprint Challenge GB), Loui Hounsell (Racing Hondas Championship), Ronnie Smith (Mini Challenge Trophy) and Sid Smith (Porsche Carrera Cup GB) are invited to be iZone drivers. Here’s how they fared on the day.

Candidates will undergo a series of physical fitness tests and driving skills assessments in the iZones, a state-of-the-art GT and single-seater simulator at Silverstone, as well as undergo a panel interview and present their experiences gained through the Motorsport UK Academy Enhanced DiSE programme.

The enhanced DiSE (Diploma in Sports Excellence) program is delivered in partnership with Loughborough University and is a bespoke two-year Sports Excellence and Automotive training course designed to support talented drivers and pilots through both sporting and academic pathways.

A panel of experienced judges will assess attendees' long-term motorsport aspirations and technical and tactical understanding gained during their time on the program. This year's judging panel includes Neil Riddiford and John Pratt from iZone Driver Performance, Adam Gould, elite sports evaluator from Loughborough College, commentator and presenter Chris McCarthy and 2023 Young Driver of the Year Marcus Littlewood, Head of Competitor Development at Motorsport UK. In Katie Baldwin participates.

“Congratulations to Connor, Seb, Louie, Ronnie and Sid for being nominated for the Young Driver of the Year award,” said Katie Baldwin, Head of Competitor Development at Motorsport UK.

The five candidates have truly excelled in the Enhanced DiSE program, demonstrating their talent and development as drivers over the past two years. We look forward to their development through sport on a personal and professional level.

The winner will receive a trophy at the 2025 Night of Champions, hosted by Motorsport UK CEO Hugh Chambers, as well as a comprehensive package including training and development with iZone Driver Performance and a place as a guest judge for next year's Young Driver of the Year. award.

More information about the program can be found here.


Connor Clifford competed in the MSVT Mazda MX5 Miata Trophy, taking 4th place against experienced competitors in the second round of the season and 5th place overall.

Seb Hopkins has been competing with Team Parker Racing in the Porsche Sprint Challenge GB. He finished the first round of the season at Snetterton with a double pole, a double win and two fastest laps, putting him in P1 for RS Pro.

Louis Hounsell raced in the Racing Honda Championship. Two weekends later, Louis was P2 in his class after taking four podiums in the opening four races at Anglesey, with two DNFs. He is currently P3 in the Class B rankings.

Ronnie Smith competed in Round 2 of the Mini Challenge Trophy Championship and found great success. He took all three of his rookie wins by some margin, finished fifth twice, and finished third in sixth place. The second round took place in Pembrey and he took the podium despite illness. He is currently in the overall P1 rookie class.

Sid Smith has had an exciting season so far in the Porsche Carrera Cup GB Championship, taking an unexpected win in the Pro-Am class while settling into a new car and team. Sid is currently in P1 in the class and P3 in the Rookie class.




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