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Frederick Richard leads men's competition after first day

Frederick Richard leads men's competition after first day


The Olympic gymnastics trials opened Thursday in Minneapolis, with reigning world all-around bronze medalist Frederick Richard leading the men's competition.

Richard, 20, from Massachusetts, is not only a floor exercise star, but he also has a devoted following on TikTok, where he documents his journey as an Olympic hopeful. He placed first on floor and high bar and third on parallel bars.

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Last year, he also led the U.S. men's team to a team bronze medal, their first world championship podium since 2014.

The United States is aiming for its first Olympic medal in men's gymnastics since 2008 this summer. At this weekend's competition, a five-member team will be selected to travel to Paris from one of the most talented groups of American gymnasts in years.

Stream every moment and every medal of the Paris 2024 Olympics on Peacock, starting with the Opening Ceremony on July 26 at 12 p.m. ET.

Besides Richard, American champion Brody Malone led for the first half of the competition but finished half a point behind Richard. He is on course to make his second Olympic team after suffering a serious knee injury last year. He started the evening with a stuck landing on vault and reached his best event, the high bar, on which he won a world title in 2022.

The men's Olympic team will be named shortly after Saturday's competition.

Frederick Richard competes on pommel horse on Thursday. Jamie Squire/Getty Images

Shane Wiskus, Paul Juda and Asher Hong rounded out the top 5. Thursday night was redemption for Hong after a disappointing 10th place finish at the U.S. Championships.

Khoi Young, who was also a member of last year's bronze medal-winning team, topped the vault standings with a 14.950 but fell twice on the ever-temperate pommel horse.

Yul Moldauer also recovered from a fall on pommel horse, scoring a world-class score of 15.050 on high bar.

Parallel bars phenom Curran Phillips scored 15.600 in the event, a score that would have won him the gold medal at last year's world championships.

Stephen Nedoroscik, individual events specialist and world champion on pommel horse, obtained a score of 14.450. This score should not guarantee him a place in the Olympic Games, but he is capable of changing his destiny by scoring a shot on Saturday.

High performance director and Olympic medalist Brett McClure described the selection process during a news conference Wednesday.

“It's going to be a combination of the best scores on each apparatus,” McClure said. “There's going to be a strategy to discuss strengths and weaknesses and also what the rest of the world is doing.”

The five-member men's Olympic team will compete on six apparatus in Paris, while the women will compete on four apparatus. The top finisher in the women's all-around automatically makes the team, but the men will need to finish first in the all-around and top three in at least three events.

No male gymnast has ever accomplished that at the U.S. Championships in Fort Worth, Texas, but Richard did it Thursday. If he does it again Saturday, he won't need the selection committee to decide his fate.

The selection committee will consider best team score scenarios using both days of trials, as well as the U.S. Championships.

The U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials for the 2024 Paris Olympics air live on NBC and Peacock Thursday through Sunday.




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