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British reform activists caught using racist slurs

British reform activists caught using racist slurs


WARNING: This story contains language some people may find disturbing.

An undercover reporter from Channel 4 recorded homophobic and racist comments allegedly made by Reform UK members while campaigning for Nigel Farage to become MP for Clacton.

Britain's Reform Party said anyone who made “unacceptable comments” would no longer be involved in Farage's election campaign.

The secret recordings contain conversations between people who appear to be British reform organizers.

A man with ties to the party appears to have made homophobic remarks, describing the Pride flag on a police car as a “degenerate flag”.

“Why does this old law encourage such garbage?” he asks the group.

He repeatedly claims members of the LGBT+ community are pedophiles and criticizes police officers who attend Pride events.

He added that if Reform Britain forms a future government, our police will become paramilitary, they will not be police, and the noose should be brought back.

He is also seen telling an undercover reporter why Reform UK chose to stand in Clacton, saying: “Look around, it's proper Britain. You know what I mean, it's proper English.”

He added, “It's different from London. It's different from London as a foreigner in your own country. If you say 'hello' to anyone, they look like they're going to stab you in the face.”

BBC News has been unable to confirm the man's identity and is trying to contact him.

During the conversation, Rob Bates, Reform UK's chief campaigner, said the party spent “double” the legal spending limit during the campaign to get Farage elected.

Mr Bates later clarified in an interview with Channel 4 News that his comments were a joke and that he was not responsible for campaign spending.

Reform UK said the programme's spending was within legal spending limits.

Footage broadcast by Channel 4 shows Andrew Parker, identified as Mr Farage's researcher, making further racist, homophobic and Islamophobic slurs as he used the racial slur to refer to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is of Indian origin.

Mr Parker also reportedly described Islam as “the most disgusting cult” and suggested that new recruits should practice shooting at small boats bringing illegal immigrants to Britain.

Mr Parker told voters the reforms would “kick all Muslims out of their mosques and turn them into Wetherspoons”.

During the campaign, he advised undercover reporters to use the term “illegal” when discussing immigration, especially when covering non-white households.

Before the video was released, Mr Parker issued a statement to Channel 4 saying: “Neither Nigel Farage personally nor the Reform Party are aware of my personal views on immigration.”

Mr Parker said: I have never discussed immigration with Nigel Farage or the Reform Party. And any remarks I make during the recording are solely my personal views on the topics I address.

“So if my personal views have reflected badly on Nigel Farage and the Reform Party and damaged their reputation, I sincerely apologise. That was not my intention.”

Speaking at a Reform UK event in Boston, Lincolnshire, party leader Nigel Farage said the party was “not perfect”.

“We've had one or two candidates who have said things they shouldn't have said,” he said. “For the most part, they're just talking like normal people.

“They are not part of the mainstream political discourse at Oxbridge. We understand that. In some cases, one or two people let us down and we let them go.

“Well, compare that to the modern Conservative Party's international price-fixing and gambling ring.”

Richard Tice, leader of the Hubberts Bridge Community Centre, said the racist comments were “inappropriate”.

He said: “We made a statement and the statement says it all.

“The reality is that we are a fast-growing movement, and when you have unpaid volunteers, some people behave inappropriately, and then they disappear.”

Peter Harris, Clacton's Reform UK campaign manager, said he was “deeply shocked by these reported comments”.

Mr Harris added: “Any political party embarking on such a short campaign faces the challenge of working with many activists it has never met before.”

“Any individual who makes unacceptable comments or is identified as holding such views is not welcome in our campaign. We are running a campaign to represent all of the constituents of Clacton.”

Other general election candidates running in Clacton can be found here.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer described the comments as “clearly racist” and said the scandal was a test of Farage's leadership.

Sir Keir told BBC Breakfast: “It's up to the leader to change his party to make sure the culture is right and everyone in the party understands the standards.”

He added: “We have to ask why so many of those who supported reform were exposed in this particular way.”




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