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Two US airmen accused of separate sexual assaults in Japan

Two US airmen accused of separate sexual assaults in Japan


TOKYO Japanese authorities have charged two U.S. Air Force personnel based on the island of Okinawa with sexual assault, one allegedly involving a 16-year-old minor, in two separate incidents that occurred five months ago 'interval.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said at a news conference Friday morning that an unidentified man was on trial for an alleged sexual assault on the island in May.

The suspect is due to appear in Naha District Court on an unspecified date on charges of non-consensual sexual intercourse and bodily injury.

The 18th Air Force Wing, which controls Kadena Base on Okinawa, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from NBC News.

In the second case, a member of the US Air Force is accused of kidnapping and having non-consensual sex with a girl under 16, Okinawa Vice Governor Takekuni Ikeda said , in a press release.

Such inhuman and despicable crimes committed by US soldiers constitute a serious and malicious violation of women's human rights and are absolutely unforgivable and we are filled with strong anger, he continued.

Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki separately told reporters: “I'm at a loss for words. I'm just filled with anger.”

The Ryuku Shimpo, an Okinawa newspaper, reported Tuesday that the 25-year-old U.S. airman was charged without arrest on March 27 for allegedly abducting and having nonconsensual sex with a 16-year-old girl in December.

Hayashi was asked about the case at a regular news conference on Tuesday and confirmed that a U.S. military member had been indicted by the Naha District Prosecutors' Office in March following an investigation by police and prosecutors.

The fact that such an incident took place is extremely regrettable, he said.

In any case, incidents and accidents involving U.S. military personnel and others cause great concern among local residents and must never occur, Hayashi continued.

Masataka Okano, Japan's vice foreign minister, expressed regret to U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel over the two incidents, Hayashi said.

He said the United States responded that it was taking the matter very seriously and was cooperating with local authorities.

It was unclear Friday whether the two suspects were represented by an attorney.

On Thursday, Ikeda met with the brigadier. Gen. Nicholas Evans, commander of the 18th Wing at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, will formally file a complaint regarding the December affair.

Ikeda also said that the case had created strong anxiety among the residents of this prefecture who are forced to live side by side with these bases.

The presence of a large U.S. air force on Okinawa, a legacy of World War II, has long been controversial in Japan. The site is strategically vital to U.S. interests in the region as the United States seeks to counter Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

Arata Yamamoto reported from Tokyo; Patrick Smith reported from London.




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