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Nigel Farage: The British reformist leader's streak may not be over yet, but it's getting more shaky and shaky. | Politics News

Nigel Farage: The British reformist leader's streak may not be over yet, but it's getting more shaky and shaky. | Politics News


Was this the day the wheels started to fall off on Nigel Farage's Reform UK bandwagon? Probably so.

It was a day that started with damning newspaper headlines and ended with a clash with a hostile TV audience over racism within the party.

Latest elections: What do we know about the UK Reform racism scandal?

Of course, this ugly racism controversy may have started too late to put the brakes on Farage's grand plan to bring down the Conservative Party.

First, it is estimated that one in four of us will vote by mail in this election, and many voters will have already voted by mail.

Second, Mr Farage loves controversy and relishes the role of rebel, taking on the establishment and political conventions.

But even by his notoriety standards, the day got off to a bad start, with a front-page headline in The Daily Telegraph declaring: “Farazi is Putin’s appeaser, says Sunak.”

The Times ran an even more shocking headline: “Kill illegal immigrants, reform campaigner says”, claiming the party was facing allegations of widespread sexist and racist behavior by its election candidates.

One candidate was a British National Party MP, another claimed feminism was a 'cancer' and a third reportedly accused two black women of 'acting like gutter whores'.

But worse, much worse, was to come. In a Channel 4 documentary, reformist Andrew Parker was recorded calling Chancellor Rishi Sunak a “f*cking p***”.

During a campaign visit to Teesside, Mr Sunak looked more visibly angry than anyone in his 20 months as prime minister.

Almost spitting out words, he said his two daughters were upset after seeing and hearing Farage supporters calling them “stupid punks”.

This was a huge blowout for two reasons. First, he spoke about the trauma his 13- and 11-year-old daughters suffered from racist abuse, and second, he chose to repeat the insults.

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3:00 Racist comments hit Reform UK campaign

Accusations of bribery against Mr Farage were first raised a week ago when Mr Sunak said on TV that the West had provoked Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Until then, the Prime Minister and senior Conservatives had largely left Mr Farage alone during the election campaign, despite Reform UK steadily rising in the opinion polls at the expense of the Conservatives.

But Mr Sunak was visibly upset by the response to the Channel 4 programme, but insisted Mr Farage also appeared on ITV's Loose Women during lunchtime. Yes, really! – It was a “complete and total set-up”.

Whether planned or not, Essex Police jumped into the fray and announced they were “urgently assessing” Mr Parker's comments “to determine if there was a criminal offence involved”.

Oh no! There will be no further police investigations during this campaign period. With the gambling investigation, the boys and girls in blue will have a busy final week of sports!

Mr Farage later repeated his claims on BBC TV's Question Time, claiming Mr Parker was a former Channel 4 actor and denouncing a “political machine of astonishing proportions”.

Unsurprisingly, Channel 4 fiercely disputed Mr Farage's “set-up” claim, insisting that the show's producers first met Mr Parker at Reform UK headquarters where he was a Reform Party supporter.

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But his appearance on Question Time got off to a rough start, with accusations of “vicious” racism and claims he was responsible for driving the British National Party out of British politics.

Faced with questions about how candidates who made racist comments were elected, Farage appeared to abandon his predecessor, Richard Tice.

He claimed to have inherited a “founding party” but did not mention Mr. Tice by name. When asked how he became a candidate, the audience laughed and replied, “I have no idea!”

Throughout the questioning, Mr Farage was generally defiant. “I’m not going to apologise!” he shouted at one point.

But he was also on the defensive, as questions about racism continued throughout the first 11 minutes of the 30-minute program.

But the audience called him “Nigel” at the end and the pressure lifted as the questions turned to immigration, Brexit, taxes and Donald Trump.

So, despite the unpleasant racist streak that has swept through his ranks, the wheels may not have fallen off Farage's bandwagon just yet.

But as the campaign entered its final week, support suddenly became more shaky and unstable.




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