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US to remove Gaza aid dock, may not put it back

US to remove Gaza aid dock, may not put it back


WASHINGTON (AP) — The pier built by the U.S. military to deliver aid to Gaza has been removed due to bad weather to protect it, and the United States plans not to reinstall it unless aid is starting to flow into the population again, US officials said on Friday.

Although the military has helped bring desperately needed food via the pier, the vast majority of that food is still in the adjacent storage yard and that area is almost full. Aid agencies have struggled to get food to areas further inside Gaza, where it is most needed, as aid convoys have come under attack.

The United Nations, which has the greatest reach in helping starving Palestinians, has not distributed food or other emergency supplies arriving through the pier since June 9. The pause came after the Israeli army used an area near the pier to evacuate the hostages after their release. rescue in a raid that killed more than 270 Palestinians, prompting the UN to review security amid concerns that the safety and neutrality of aid workers may have been compromised.

U.N. World Food Programme spokesman Steve Taravella said Friday that U.N. involvement in the pier project remains on hold pending resolution of security concerns.

Although it was always meant to be temporary and was never presented as a comprehensive solution to the problems of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, President Joe Biden's $230 million plan has suffered a series of setbacks since aid first landed on May 17 and has been criticized by relief groups and congressional Republicans as a costly distraction.

The pier was used to transport more than 19.4 million pounds, or 8.6 million kilograms, of food to Gaza, but it was blocked not only by pauses in aid but also by weather conditions unpredictable. Rough seas damaged the pier just days after its initial operations began, forcing the military to temporarily remove it for repairs and then reinstall it. On Friday, rough seas forced the army to kidnap it again and take it to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Several U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss military moves, said the military could reinstall the pier once bad weather passes in the coming days, but a final decision on its reinstallation has not been made. yet been taken.

Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, acknowledged she did not know when the pier would be reinstalled. When the commander decides it's the right time to reinstall this pier, we will let you know, she said.

She also said Friday that more aid was needed to get to Cyprus and to the dock. She noted that the secure area on land was nearly full, but that the intention was still to get aid to Gaza by any means necessary. She added that the United States was in talks with aid agencies about distributing the food.

But, she added, of course, if there isn't enough room in the rail yard, it doesn't make sense to send our men or women there when there there is nothing to do.

Palestinians face widespread hunger due to nearly nine months of fighting between Israel and Hamas, Israeli restrictions on border crossings, which are far more productive than the sea route, and attacks on aid convoys. , which severely limited the flow of food, medicine and other supplies.

Ellen Knickmeyer contributed from Washington.




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