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Simone Biles leads first day of U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials as injuries rock U.S. team

Simone Biles leads first day of U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials as injuries rock U.S. team


MINNEAPOLIS Simone Biles is four routines away from making her third Olympic team.

She leads Olympic and club teammate Jordan Chiles by 2.5 points after the first day of competition at the Olympic qualifier. Reigning Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee rounds out the top three.

The women's gymnastics team to compete in Paris will be named on Sunday, but the selection committee will have to go back to the drawing board after three favorites suffered injuries ahead of Friday's competition.

Kayla DiCello and Shilese Jones both suffered apparent injuries to the vault and were evacuated by medical personnel. After the competition, USA Gymnastics confirmed that DiCello had torn his Achilles tendon and would miss the remainder of the trials.

Jones, the reigning world all-around bronze medalist, was able to compete on the uneven bars but limped off the podium and was eliminated from the remainder of the competition.

Her score of 14.675 on the event was the highest bars score of the night.

The status of Jones and DiCello's Olympic dreams remains unknown. Texas native Skye Blakely, 19, suffered a season-ending Achilles tear during podium training Wednesday.

Selection procedures prohibit athletes from applying to be named to the Olympic team if they are injured.

Biles started her night with a flawless series on the uneven bars, but had some mishaps on the beam. Halfway through the event, it was unusual to see Biles not win the standings.

She was three-tenths behind Leanne Wong, who showed off a new improvement to the Cheng vault. She had initially received a two-point deduction for a one-handed takeoff, but Wong appealed her score and was ultimately awarded a score of 14.450.

A dominant performance on floor returned Biles to the familiar No. 1 spot. The arena crowd immediately rose to its feet on the fourth rotation when she landed her eponymous vault, a double Yurchenko pike.

She earned a 15.975, the highest score of the night by more than one point.

The event is one of the most impressive and difficult in women's gymnastics currently performed in the world. She performed a second vault, the Cheng, to show the selection committee her prowess for the Olympic vault final, where two vaults are required.

Suni Lee, the reigning Olympic all-around champion, looked ready for Paris as she performed an improved uneven bars routine with enormous difficulty. She performed a Nabieva over a Bhardwaj, earning a score of 14.400. The selection committee won't want to leave that routine at home.

Stream every moment and every medal of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on Peacock, starting with the Opening Ceremony on July 26 at 12 p.m. ET.

The top overall athlete after two days of competition at the trials will automatically earn a spot on the five-member women's Olympic team. The other four women competing in Paris will be determined by a selection committee, which will use the results of previous selections and competitions to complete the team.

Four Olympic alternates will also be named in Minneapolis, two of whom will travel to Paris to train with the team.

The U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials for the 2024 Paris Olympics are streaming live on NBC and Peacock through Sunday.




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