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US Supreme Court decision could make it harder to prosecute January 6 rioters and Trump | US Supreme Court

US Supreme Court decision could make it harder to prosecute January 6 rioters and Trump |  US Supreme Court


Conservative Bloc

Alito Majority

Barrett Minority

Gorsuch Majority

Kavanaugh majority

Roberts' majority

Thomas Majority

Liberal bloc

Jackson Majority

Kagan Minority

Sotomayor Minority

The U.S. Supreme Court has narrowed the scope of the statute that prosecutors relied on in the cases of hundreds of rioters who took part in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol for obstructing an official proceeding, a decision with profound implications for participants that day in 2021.

The 6-3 decision in Fischer v. United States could also have implications for the federal criminal case against Donald Trump, who is accused of similar offenses in Special Prosecutor Jack's investigation Smiths on the assault. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joined the conservative justices in the case, with Chief Justice John Roberts writing the majority opinion. Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote a dissenting opinion, joined by Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

The move follows the conviction of Joseph Fischer, a former Pennsylvania police officer, who attended Trump's rally called Stop the Steal on the morning of Jan. 6 before entering the Capitol with the mob.

Fischer was one of 350 people charged by federal prosecutors under a federal law, 18 U.S.C. Section 1512(c)(2), which states that anyone who obstructs, influences or interferes with an official proceeding, or attempts to do so, can be fined or sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. The 350 people charged with the crime represent about a quarter of all those charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The central issue in this case was what kind of conduct exactly the language prohibited. The previous section of the statute, 18 U.S.C. section 1512(c)(1), is more specific, saying that any person is guilty of a crime who alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the integrity of the objects or their availability for use in an official proceeding.

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roberts focused on the word otherwise in the second part of the statute.

As complex as paragraph (c)(1) may seem, it simply consists of many specific examples of prohibited actions taken with the intent to undermine the integrity of an object or its availability for use in an official procedure: alteration of a file, alteration of a document, concealment of a file, concealment of a document, etc. Guided by the basic logic that Congress would not bother to enumerate the list in paragraph (c)(1) if a neighboring term encompassed it, the most reasonable conclusion is that the scope of paragraph (c)(1) )(2) is defined by reference to paragraph (c)(1).

To prove a violation of section 1512(c)(2), the government must establish that the defendant interfered with the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or, as we explained above, other materials used in an official proceeding. continue, or attempted to do so, he added. The majority remanded the opinion to the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for further review.

Trump, meanwhile, faces four criminal charges in the case, one of which is a violation of 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2). He is also charged with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. His lawyers could now argue that both charges meet the stricter standard announced by the Supreme Court on Friday. Some experts have argued that the evidence against Trump would allow the charges to stand even under the stricter standard.

It will be much harder to argue that he obstructed an official proceeding if the prosecution must also show that it was related to the destruction or alteration, or related activities, of documents, said Derek Muller, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame.

It may be more a question of whether the materials submitted to Pence regarding other electoral votes or what to do with those votes rise to the level of criminal activity in the law. Well, let's see if the Justice Department maintains this charge against Trump, but it could fall back on some of the other charges and rely more on them.

Although the law has been used to charge hundreds of people in the January 6 cases, it is rarely the only charge against them. The charge against Fischer, for example, was one of seven criminal charges against him.

In a dissenting opinion, Barrett said the majority had gone through textual twists and turns to find a way to narrow the scope of subsection (c)(2).

Joseph Fischer allegedly participated in a riot at the Capitol that forced the postponement of the joint session of Congress on January 6. Preventing an official proceeding from taking place certainly qualifies as obstructing or impeding the proceeding by means other than destroying documents, she wrote. There is no other way: Section 1512(c)(2) is a far-reaching law.

Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the left-wing watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said the judges had helped the insurrectionists once again escape accountability.

If trying to block certification of the 2020 election isn't obstructing an official proceeding in the eyes of the courts, then what is? he said in a statement. This is yet another example of the court's failure to defend our democracy and enforce the plain text of the law.




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