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Countdown to Selection: Determining the U.S. Men's Olympic Gymnastics Team

Countdown to Selection: Determining the U.S. Men's Olympic Gymnastics Team


Tokyo Olympian Yul Moldauer continues to maintain his form, currently placing sixth overall after the first day. Moldauer continues to prove he can be a solid option on several events, including floor exercise and parallel bars, where he finished second and first, respectively, at nationals.

Like Richard and Malone, Moldauer is currently participating in several of the highest-performing team scenarios. If he can carry this momentum into the final day of competition, Moldauer should be eligible to make the team.

Two athletes who improved their chances are Tokyo Olympian Shane Wiskus, who performed well in front of his home crowd on day one and finished third overall, and world team bronze medalist Paul Judas, who sits fourth in the all-around, thanks to his own execution. Judas' routines may not be the most difficult, but he continues to prove he can outperform some of his competitors with clean, consistent routines.

When looking at the best team scenarios after three games, Wiskus and Judah are neck and neck. One of them will probably have a place. Perhaps it depends on who outperforms the other on the second day of testing.

A year ago, Asher Hong seemed like a strong candidate for the team, but he struggled at nationals, finishing 10th in the all-around. Although he looked much better on the first day of trials, he currently sits in fifth place in the all-around, and scores from nationals continue to drag down his averages.

Hong’s performance on the first day of trials puts him in several of the top-performing team scenarios, proving his potential – but that’s not what the selection committee will be evaluating. The bigger question is whether Hong can make up enough ground on the second day to put his name on some of the top-performing data sets. Yet it’s on rings and vault where he can make the biggest impact.

Khoi Young is another name that is hard not to consider for Paris given his success over the past year. He is a three-time world medalist and finished third in the all-around at the national championships. However, on the first day of trials, Young fell twice on pommel horse, an event where he is a world silver medalist and could help Team USA immensely.

Young also fell on the first day of nationals, meaning he’s 1-3 in an event that could have been used to solidify his spot on the team. His mistakes opened the door for a pommel horse specialist like 2021 world champion Stephen Nedoroscik to potentially make the team.

Although Nedoroscik did not perform as expected on the first day of testing (he achieved a D score of 6.5 at the Winter Cup earlier this year, but only achieved a D score of 5 .6 on the first day), he still remains on the highest score. team scenario. However, the most competitive routines in the world boast scores in the 15 range, so Nedoroscik will need to prove he can hit that mark if he wants to have a shot.

To make things even more intense, Patrick Hoopes matched Nedoroscik on Day 1, meaning that if the selection committee opts for a pommel horse specialist, Nedoroscik can't afford to make a mistake or water down his routine on Day 2.

Curran Phillips has the potential to become one of the best in the world on parallel bars, which could allow him to qualify for Paris. His results on the first day of the selection trials helped his name stay in the memory, but his performance on the second day will be crucial as he withdrew from the final day of competition at the national championships due to a thumb injury , a missed opportunity to achieve a big score.

The U.S. men's Olympic team will be announced following the conclusion of competition on Saturday, June 29.

Here's a look at what's happening ahead of the final day of competition in the Olympic selection process.




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