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Simone Biles halfway to a third Olympic place at the US Olympic Trials

Simone Biles halfway to a third Olympic place at the US Olympic Trials


Simone Biles wasn't perfect Friday night (June 28) as the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team trials began, but she was more than good enough.

At the Target Center in Minneapolis, the 27-year-old scored 58.900 in the all-around to take her many previous lead. Tokyo 2020 team silver medalist Jordan Chiles (56.400) was second, followed by reigning Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee (56.025).

Earlier, six-time World Championship medalist Shilese Jones withdrew from competition after competing only on the uneven bars. She appeared to have injured her knee during the final pre-competition warm-ups on vault and had to be helped off the podium by medical staff. 2023 Pan American Games all-around champion Kayla DiCello also withdrew from the event.

During the final rotation, Biles made his signature sound, daring the Yurchenko double pike, a jump named in his honor last season. She scored a 15.975, bringing a nearly sold-out crowd to its feet.

Despite some unusual wobbles on the balance beam during the second rotation of the evening, a month before the women's qualifying round at Paris 2024, Biles looks as good, if not better, than ever.

It's quite an achievement for the veteran, who has 37 medals from the World Championships and Olympic Games, making her the most decorated gymnast of all time.

But coach Cecile Landi, a 1996 Olympian for France, says Biles' competitive performances are hard-earned.

She showed everyone hard work. Many people are surprised at how hard she works every day, Landi said. No matter how talented she is, she makes the numbers.

But that's not the only key to its continued success.

In her return to the sport after Tokyo 2020, Biles adjusted her approach, prioritizing her mental health after a case of what gymnasts call the twisties, where an athlete's body and mind become out of sync, led her to withdraw from five Olympic finals.

“All the work she does outside of the gym, and just being 27, married, she has other things to do, and I think that helps her keep a good balance. You know, that It's not just about gymnastics. And I think it continues. She's sane, Landi explained. She's back to her sometimes goofy side that we missed a few times, so I think that. that’s where it shows.




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