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International reactions to the American presidential debate: mockery of China and Russia, concerns of allies

International reactions to the American presidential debate: mockery of China and Russia, concerns of allies


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America's opponents not only think President Biden was defeated in Thursday's debate, they say the United States is the real loser.

Russia, China, Iran and other countries spoke out after Biden's faltering performance left viewers stunned. The media in these countries, many of which are government-run, took advantage of the debate debacle to criticize the United States

“Every media outlet, big and small, publishes an article describing what happened,” Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of the “Putins Playbook,” told Fox News Digital. “Some have more than one. Most, if not all, of them are derogatory about both candidates and make fun of America.”

“What [Russian President Vladimir] What Putin sees is that American society is deeply fractured and consumed by its own problems,” Koffler said. “Putin probably believes that Russia wins one way or the other no matter who wins, because he expects the United States to descend into chaos as a result of the crisis. elections, because the country is so divided and polarized. »

“Ultimately, Moscow is convinced that the social crisis that has hit the United States is good for Russia,” she added.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin was “too bored to wake up and watch the American debate” but that “we have seen media reports about these debates.”

Peskov added that the Kremlin had made no attempt “to assess this debate” or draw “official conclusions” and insisted that Russia “has never interfered in US election campaigns.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visit the Vostochny osmodrome in Russia's Far Eastern Amur region, September 13, 2023. (Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Kremlin via Reuters/File Photo)

Outside the Kremlin, Russian media reportedly portrayed the debate as a victory for Russia, with Putin well placed to dictate the terms of the war in Ukraine, especially if Donald Trump won the White House.

They pointed out Biden's “half-open mouth, staring eyes” and “blank expression on his face.”


“This is how Joe Biden appeared in front of an audience of millions,” Valentin Bogdanov, head of the Russian state television bureau in New York, said on the Kremlin-backed RT channel.

The report particularly focused on CNN's reaction, calling the anchors “helpless” and the Democratic Party “deeply panicked,” according to East2West.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban jointly meet the press after their talks in Budapest, May 9, 2024. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via Getty Images)

China also took a negative view of the debate. Official media appeared to generally ignore it, but the state-run Global Times called it “the most chaotic presidential debate ever” and “like a reality TV show,” while also highlighting moments when Biden and Trump talked about China, according to the BBC.

The Global Times specifically took issue with Trump blaming Beijing for “the raging COVID-19 epidemic and the US's economic woes.”


State-run Beijing News said the debate exposed the shortcomings of both candidates, with Biden and Trump “habitually confused” spreading “rumors” instead of answering questions directly.

The Xinhua news agency placed the debate in the context of an America “tired of another Biden-Trump clash” and focused on Biden's “several verbal errors” and “unclear” speech, while hitting Trump for not answering questions directly while providing statements that “contained numerous exaggerations and lies.”

President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping walk together after a meeting during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week in Woodside, California, November 15, 2023. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

Chinese social media personalities were even more vocal. Former state media editor Hu Xijin derided the US presidential debate on social media platform X, calling it “highly entertaining for many Chinese,” according to Newsweek.

“Objectively speaking, the poor performance of these two old men was negative publicity for Western democracy,” he writes.


Other social media users described the debate as a “disaster,” a “catastrophe,” and a “waste of time,” though it should be noted that Chinese media has regularly attempted to portray the United States as a country in turmoil with an uncertain political future.

Iran's Republic News Agency did not appear to have taken much interest in the debate, as the country is holding its own presidential elections this weekend, which have dominated coverage, but Middle East expert and Foreign Desk editor Lisa Daftari warned that the lackluster performance in the debate will be of interest to all of America's rivals.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, center with black turban, leads a prayer over the flag-draped coffins of the late President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions killed in a helicopter crash in Tehran, Iran, on 22 May 2024. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP)

“Any American adversary can view President Biden’s performance as a reminder that the leader of the free world is currently far from competent,” Daftari said. “It has always been true that the United States has the ability to defend its interests and establish stability in the world simply through deterrence, appropriate rhetoric and positioning.”

“This has not always been the case with the Biden administration, and [Thursday] “The nighttime performances allow for an even more extreme perception of American weakness,” she added.


“We currently face many precarious global crises, including China's invasion of Taiwan, the Iranian regime possessing and/or using nuclear weapons, the Iranian regime continuing its proxy wars against Israel, and Western assets in the region. [and] “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is underway,” Daftari said. “Of course, any of these current crises could grow in magnitude between now and the election.”

The reaction, even in allied countries, has been less than enthusiastic, starting with Polish Foreign Minister Radslaw Sikorski's cryptic message about X, which some took to be an unfavorable comparison between Biden and the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.

President Biden, watch the paratroopers at the G7 summit with other world leaders. (Michael Kappelle/picture alliance via Getty Images)

“Marcus Aurelius was a great emperor, but he squandered his succession by handing over to his son Commodus (he of The Gladiator) whose disastrous reign triggered the decline of Rome,” Sikeorski writes. “It is important to manage one’s path into the sunset.”

French media outlet Le Monde described the debate as a “terrible storm” and lamented Biden's obsession with trying to “get his opponent off his rocker” by mocking Trump's answers to questions, the BBC reported.

German newspaper Der Spiegel compared the debate to “a car accident” and half-heartedly applauded both candidates for their “theatrical performance,” while saying that supporters of both sides will feel that their candidate did his job.


Another outlet, Die Welt, lamented that Biden was not an exciting candidate but one with “common sense and a stable personality” who would maintain “normalcy” in the White House.




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