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HICHLIFFE becomes England's first player book record at Paris 2024

HICHLIFFE becomes England's first player book record at Paris 2024


Louis Hinchliffe (Coach: Carl Lewis, Club: Sheffield & Dearne) won the first ever British men's 100m title and is one of seven athletes to secure Olympic qualification on a packed opening day of the Microplus British Athletics Championships.

The 21-year-old clocked 10.18 (-0.8) in wet conditions at the Manchester Regional Arena to lead home silver medallist Jeremiah Azzu (Marco Airale, Cardiff) and secured his ticket to Paris with a second-place finish in 10.25, having already achieved his qualifying time. CJ Ujah (Steve Fudge, Enfield, Haringey) claimed bronze in 10.37.

Hinchliffe said: This is the first year I have started working out seriously. Until a few years ago I was focused on golf, but now I am 100% focused on training, nutrition and relaxation.

Going to Paris means everything. I've dreamed of the Olympics since I was a kid. I'm going there with the mindset that I can win. I seem to do well in pressure situations, so who knows?

His coach Carl Lewis, a nine-time Olympic gold medalist, watched and added: Louis still has time to improve and I think he can become one of England's best players.

Azu, who is about to make her Olympic debut, added: “I’m happy to be on the plane to Paris. It’s my first race back after a bit of a struggle, so I can’t complain. I think the rest of it has probably worked out well for me.

I will go back to the training camp in Italy, stay focused, get away from distractions and prepare for the Paris game.

Hinchliffe and Aju will compete in the French capital this summer alongside Daryl Naita (Marco Airale, Cambridge Harriers), who won the women's 100m in 11.24 (-1.5).

Neita said he was delighted to have won another British title. “I know I have the skills and the speed now. It’s just a matter of keeping the momentum going and enjoying every moment.

Amy Hunt (Marco Airale, Charnwood) took silver in 11.41 and Imani-Lara Lansiquot (Ryan Freckleton, Sutton & District) was third in 11.43.

Several British athletes secured Olympic qualification that day, including Molly Cordery (Scott Simpson, Thames Valley), who defended her national title by narrowly beating her own British record in the women's pole vault.

The 24-year-old cleared 4.83m and came close to repeating the 4.93m feat when he broke the national record with 4.92m in Toulouse last weekend.

“I’m very happy with where I am now and I think I would have made it on the last jump if there had been no wind,” she said.

I had to re-evaluate my expectations. As the season approached, it was definitely about getting to Paris and now it was about getting a medal.

Jade Spencer-Smith (Richard Humby, Harrow) won silver with 4.31m (SB), and Sophie Ashurst (Kate Dennison, Sale) rounded out the podium with a medal of 4.21m.

Lizzie Bird (Pat McCurry, Shaftesbury Barnet) cemented her place in Paris in style by setting a new championship record in the women's 3000m steeplechase.

In some of the worst weather of the day, Bird crossed the line in 9:29.67, four seconds ahead of Ellis Sonner (Yeovil Olympiad), with Stevie Lawrence (Andrew Caster, Croydon Harriers) taking bronze in a personal best of 9:45.46.

I am really happy today and have confirmed my choice to go to Paris, Bird said. Before that I will participate in the Paris Diamond League and then go straight to St. Moritz for altitude training.

Cindy Sember (Geoff Green, Woodford Green Essex Ladies) secured her third Olympic qualification by winning a fifth British outdoor title in the women's 100m hurdles.

Sember recorded a 12.85 (-1.8), well ahead of runner-up Alicia Barrett (Lewis Samuel, Trafford) and a season best of 13.40, ahead of bronze medalist Jessica Hunter (Laura Turner-Allyn, Shafts). Barry Barnett) was one-hundredth of a second behind.

The top two finishers in the men's discus throw had cause to celebrate, with Chukwemeka Osamor (James Taylor, Sheffield & Deere) becoming British champion and Nick Percy (Jane Dukemin, Shaftesbury Barnett) securing his Olympic spot.

Osamos took first place with a season's best of 59.98m, while Percy, who achieved the Olympic standard in April, took second with 58.56m to book his ticket to Paris.

Today, with the Olympics on the line, I was quite nervous, which was uncharacteristic of me, Percy said. I'll be crossing for a few hours, but then I'll put my head down and get ready to go to Paris. The school I work at is closed next week, so I can focus on preparation then.

Osammor, victorious, said: It was a good competition, but I felt there was more to me. There was a lot of tension in the first round, but it couldn't continue.

The women's 5000m saw a thrilling finish as Hana Nuttall (Helen Clyderroe, Charnwood) moved from third to first in the final strides, beating Verity Ockenden (Swansea).

Just one eight-hundredth of a second separated the top two and Nuttall won with a time of 15 minutes, 13.70 seconds. Izzy Frye (Newberry) won the bronze medal with a time of 15 minutes, 14.92 seconds.

Nuttall said: I came here to win and I'm really happy. I wanted to go out hard and aim for the Olympic standard, but I wasn't feeling very good so I wanted to stick to the first pack, be patient and go off with 600m to go.

I knew there was other gear out there, Verity was strong too, but I was confident I could do it.

The women's 100m Para title went the way of Sophie Hahn, who won in 13.07 (-2.1).

She said she felt strong throughout the race and that her competitors pushed her. Now that she has a few competitions to do before she goes to Paris, she can help prepare.

Madeleine Down (Mike Bennett, Halesowen) took silver in 13.24 and Didi Oko (Joseph McDonnell, Chelmsford) took bronze in 15.31.

Zac Shaw (Leon Baptiste, Cleethorpes) won the men's 100m Para title in 11.21 (-2.6) ahead of Emmanuel Oyinbo-Coker (Joe McDonnell, Newham and Essex Beagles) and Kyle Keyworth (Kes Salmon, Manchester Harriers).

The show said it felt great to win the title, especially in these circumstances. They reminded me of Zharnel (Hughes) last year. I thought, if he can do it in the rain, so can I!

Scott Lincoln (Paul Wilson, City of York) won gold in the men's shot put to make it ten outdoor gold medals for Great Britain.

The 31-year-old set his second best throw of 20.81m, beating Patrick Swan (Ryan Spencer-Jones, Cornwall) with 17.83m and Isaac Delaney (Greg Beard, Preston) with 17.56m. I did.

Naomi Metzger (Aston Moor, Trafford) claimed her sixth British women's outdoor triple jump title with an impressive jump of 13.71m in her return to competition after injury. This is her best performance since 2022.

She said she was really happy after a long injury and multiple surgeries. Six months ago, after she had surgery and had no idea if she would have a season, she said her coach told her she could play. I'm happy to show that I'm in a position to improve again.

The first final of the weekend was the women's javelin, where Becca Walton (David Turner, Loughborough student) continued her domestic dominance by winning her fourth consecutive national title despite injury.

I wanted to keep my title. That was my biggest priority. Of course I wanted to throw further and achieve B standard in Paris, but I came in today with an ankle injury so I had to be realistic.

Walton's throw of 54.11m was enough to win gold, with Freya Jones (David Callaway, Newham & Essex Beagles) taking silver in 2023 with 51.97m.

Sarah-Anne De Kremer (Peter De Kremer, Leamington) took bronze with 47.70m, while current world heptathlon champion Katarina Johnson-Thompson (Aston Moore, Liverpool) threw 42.38m in the first of two events held over the weekend.

Women's hammer gold went to Anna Buyer (Mohamed Ali Saatara, Notts). Her winning throw of 68.79m fell short of Olympic qualification but hopes were not lost.

“I wanted to come here and put down my marker and win,” he said. “It’s quite emotional, but I tried to focus on today and do my job. I’m 15th on the Road to Paris, so I’m looking forward to it.

Charlotte Payne (Paul Dickinson, Reading) took silver with 67.33m, followed by Katie Head (Paul Head, Newham & Essex Beagles) with 64.81m.

In the men's long jump, Jacob Fincham Dukes (Matt Barton, Leeds) retained his crown, finishing in second place in the men's long jump by just six centimetres.

European fourth-placed Fincham-Dukes' best jump of 7.95m saw him beat Alexander Farquharson (Aston Moore, Birchfield) with 7.89m and Alessandro Schenini (Ryan McAllister, Giffnock North) with 7.77m, his best of two seasons.

“It was a good race despite the cold and wind, but I did my part and that’s all that matters.” These are the words of Fincham-Dukes, who finished fourth at the European Championships. He will now have to wait for further news on Olympic selection.

I've already surpassed the UKA standard twice so it's clear I've met it and now it's time for the selectors to announce on Monday.

In the men's high jump, Will Grimsey (Bethan Partridge, Woodford Green Essex Women) went one better than last year, upgrading his silver medal to gold over the summer.

Grimsey was 2.15 meters and 4 centimeters ahead of Akin Coward (Carol Jackson, Shaftesbury Barnet) and Divine Duruaku (Julian Reid, Harrow), who took silver and bronze medals respectively.

I knew my chance in Paris was gone, it was all about winning and I did that, Grimsey said. I'm going to retire at the end of this season so hopefully I can get an invitation to the London Diamond League. It would be great to finish my career there.

In the fiercely competitive 400m race, European silver medalist Charlie Dobson (Leon Baptiste, Colchester) advanced to the men's final fastest with a time of 45.75 seconds, while Amber Anning (Chris Johnson, Brighton & Hove) recorded a time of 50.64 seconds to take the women's one-lap race. Became the fastest entrant in .

She is one of three finalists to have achieved Olympic qualification so far, along with Laviai Nielsen (Tony Lester, Enfield & Haringey), Victoria Ohuruogu (Newham & Essex Beagles) and world 800m silver medallist Keely Hodgkinson (Trevor Painter, Leigh). She will take to the start line after qualifying in 52.06.

The women's 1500m final will feature five competitors who have already met Olympic qualification after Georgia Bell (Trevor Paynter, Belgrave), Katie Snowden (Steven Haas, Hernhill), Melissa Courtney-Bryant (Rob Denmark, Poole), Libby Walcott-Nolan (Thomas Dreigacker, Luton) and Laura Muir (Steve Vernon, Dundee Howill) qualified through the heats.

Olympic qualifying runners George Mills (Thomas Draegaker, Brighton Phoenix), Neil Gourley (Steven Haas, Gifnock North) and Adam Fogg (Corey Leslie, Coventry) each won their heats in the men's 1500m and will qualify for Sunday's final.

The first race of the day saw Olympic standard holders Jessie Knight (Marina Armstrong, Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow) and Lina Nielsen (Tony Lester, Shaftesbury Barnet) qualify for the women's 400m hurdles final as the fastest qualifiers. Knight won the heat in 55.68 and Nielsen won in 56.63.

In the men's 400m hurdles preliminaries, Epekemo Okoro (Tony Hadley, Burchfield) set a personal best of 49.24 seconds to qualify fastest for Sunday's final.

Day 2 of the Microplus UK Athletics Championships kicks off at 11.15am on Sunday with the men’s 5000m race walk. You can check out the full schedule including today’s results here.




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