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Frederick Richard, Brody Malone and others named to U.S. Olympic gymnastics team

Frederick Richard, Brody Malone and others named to U.S. Olympic gymnastics team


MINNEAPOLIS The U.S. Olympic men's gymnastics team is hoping to be the first to win an Olympic medal since 2008.

The men's team was named at the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials in Minneapolis on Saturday: Frederick Richard, Brody Malone, Paul Juda, Asher Hong and Stephen Nedoroscik will go to Paris.

The Olympic alternates are Shane Wiskus and Khoi Young. They narrowly missed making the official team, but are still considered Olympians by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

Olympic medalist Brett McClure, high performance director of the men's team, has overhauled the U.S. men's program since the Tokyo Olympics and said the team aims to control its own destiny and make a splash in Paris.

Selecting an Olympic team, he said, is never easy.

There are so many things that can come into it, he said: unquantifiable, intangible things, leadership and things you can't really measure.

Richard, the reigning world all-around bronze medalist, won the overall after both nights of testing. Richard, 20, from Massachusetts, is also a star on TikTok, where he has documented his journey to the Paris Olympics. He earned an automatic Olympic berth after finishing first in the all-around and top three in three of six events.

U.S. national all-around champion Brody Malone led for the first half of the competition but finished two-tenths of a point behind Richard.

Despite struggling in his best event, the high bar, during the first rotation, Malone performed well overall and made the Olympic team for the second time. He missed last season with a serious knee injury, which almost dashed his hopes of competing in the Paris Games.

After the team announcement, Malone said the Americans were determined to medal at the Olympics for the first time since 2008.

We have a chance to win a medal, and that's what we were going to do, Malone said.

Their average scores over the past year suggest they could be on track for a podium finish in Paris, especially with Russian athletes banned from competing due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The U.S. men won a bronze medal in the team event at last year's world championships, behind Japan and China.

Nedoroscik knew he had punched his ticket to Paris with just one pommel horse routine.

“I’m really good at mental arithmetic,” he said. So I was juggling the numbers.

He is the world champion on the apparatus and could be a medal contender in Paris. The pommel horse is notoriously fickle and Nedorosciks' prowess earned him his Olympic spot, even though he is a one-event specialist.

Hong, a standout at Stanford University, will make his Olympic debut after strong performances on the rings and vault. It will also be Judas' first Olympics.

Wiskus, a Minnesota native, wowed the home crowd, exceeding expectations by finishing third in the all-around and first on floor. Despite his performance, he will settle for an alternate berth after representing the United States in Tokyo in 2021.

Stream every moment and every medal of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on Peacock, starting with the Opening Ceremony on July 26 at 12 p.m. ET.




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