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Nigel Farage says some BNP supporters are 'attracted' to UK reform as he defends handling of racism case | Politics News

Nigel Farage says some BNP supporters are 'attracted' to UK reform as he defends handling of racism case | Politics News


Nigel Farage has defended his response to the racism controversy that has engulfed Reform UK, insisting he is “not inciting anything”.

He addressed 5,000 supporters at his “biggest rally ever”, insisting his party's “bad apples are gone and we will never have them again”.

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Mr Farage has come under pressure amid controversy after a secret investigation found a Reform Party campaign worker guilty of using racial insults against the prime minister.

Appearing on Sky News' Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips, the Reform UK leader denied allegations that he had encouraged divisions by failing to address allegations of racism within the party.

“Political parties attract all kinds of people. I think politics always brings out the best and worst in people, and I don't fan anything. I want unity in this country,” he said.

Asked why people with extremist views were drawn to his party, the former UKIP leader claimed it was because he had “pushed the British Nationalist Party (BNP) out as an electoral force”.

“Ironically, destroying the BNP means that people with such ideas will no longer have a home to go to, so some will gravitate in our direction,” he added.

Mr Farage continued: “I don't want to know who the racist people are.”

He added: “I want to live in a country that is literally colour-blind, Trevor. I don't care what colour your skin is. I don't care what sexual orientation you have. Let's treat everyone equally. That's my agenda.”

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An undercover Channel 4 investigation found that reform campaigner Andrew Parker used the racial slur “P***” to describe the Prime Minister, described Islam as a “disgusting cult” and said the military should “just shoot” migrants crossing the Channel.

Another campaigner described the Pride flag as “degenerate” and said members of the LGBT community were pedophiles.

Reform UK has also had to reject several election candidates due to racist comments.

Image: An attendee wearing a Nigel Farage mask ahead of the Reform UK party rally. Photo: Reuters

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The Conservatives and Labor have strongly criticized Mr Farage's handling of the case.

Rishi Sunnack said his decision to repeat the insults against him was “to clarify what they mean”, while Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said he shared the Prime Minister's “disgust”.

Farage refused to apologize and even claimed that Mr Parker was a “paid actor” who had engaged in a “deliberate attempt to sabotage our campaign”.

‘Bad apples disappeared due to reform’

Mr Parker and Channel 4 denied this, but the British reform leader repeated the claim at an election rally later on Sunday, claiming “bad apples” were now gone from his party.

“Look, Reform is a new organization. It’s a startup and we’ve had a call for candidates to run,” he said.

He added of the election betting scandal: “Did we have a few bad apples? Although, as far as I know, no one who was involved in an organized betting ring supports us.”

“What I’m telling you is the bad apples are gone. We’ll never have them again.”

Speaking about why he decided to become an MP, taking over the reforms from Richard Tice, he claimed Britain was in a state of social and cultural “decline”.

He added that Britain was “a country that has forgotten what it is”.

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1:29 Snack, 'wounded' by controversy over reform competition

The rally came after the Prime Minister intensified his attacks on Prime Minister Farage, saying he had “no remorse or remorse”.

Asked how the reform row differed from the case of Frank Hester, a Tory donor who is alleged to have made racist comments about Diane Abbott, Mr Sunak told the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg: “I think it's inappropriate.

“They are not inappropriate. They are evil, racist and wrong.

“The person who made it has only apologized for the impact the Reform Party had on them. That's a very clear difference. There is no remorse, no reflection or acceptance of what happened.”

Mr Hester, who has donated £15 million to the Tories, apologized for his comments about Ms Abbott but insisted they had “nothing to do with her gender or the color of her skin”.

Mr Sunak initially came under criticism for the way he initially responded to the allegations against a major party donor, but eventually condemned the comments as “racist”.




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