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US women will play for gold at NORCECA Final 6


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (June 29, 2024) The U.S. women's team competing in Final Six of the NORCECA Pan American Cup will play for the gold medal after defeating Puerto Rico on Saturday, 3-0 (25-21, 21-25, 25-23, 25-16) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

The U.S. women's team (3-0) will face the host Dominican Republic (3-0) for the gold medal at 4 p.m. PT on Sunday. The game will be streamed live on

Against Puerto Rico, the U.S. women had to withstand several challenges, but head coach Brad Rostratter used some strategic substitutions to help secure the victory.


We knew Puerto Rico was going to have its ups and downs, said American outside hitter Sarah Franklin. So we stayed very consistent and I thought we played very well together as a team.

Franklin led the United States in scoring with 15 points on 13 kills (.458 hitting efficiency) and two blocks.

Opposite, Merritt Beason, who played as a substitute in the first set and started the next three, scored 14 points on 13 kills (.526) and an ace. Forward Eva Hudson, who also entered the match as a substitute, scored nine points on nine kills.

Tonight was a good game to test us and face adversity,” Rostratter said. The changes we made in terms of having Eva Hudson and Merritt Beason on the court really had an impact on the game.

Middle blocker Sophie Fischer scored 13 points on eight kills, three blocks and two aces.

On the other side, Olivia Babcock scored seven points on five kills and two blocks. At center, Carter Booth totaled five points on three kills and two blocks. Attacker Jess Mruzik scored five points on three kills and two aces.

Setter Kami Miner scored four points on three kills and an ace. She put the team at a .366 hitting efficiency.

The two teams were tied 20-20 in the first set when the United States scored three straight points on a kill by Beason, an error by Puerto Rico and a block by Fischer. Puerto Rico scored on a service error by the United States. The United States won the match on kills by Fischer and Franklin.

Puerto Rico managed to come back to take a 13-6 lead in the second set. The United States responded with eight points to lead 14-13. Puerto Rico then regained the lead 16-14 and then 21-16 before winning the set.

Puerto Rico led 15-12 in the third set. The United States tied it at 15-15 on an error by Puerto Rico and two consecutive blocks by Franklin. The United States led 23-20. Puerto Rico closed to within one at 23-22. The United States reached the set point by killing Beason. Puerto Rico scored once again, but then served into the net to win the set.

The United States took a 17-10 lead in the fourth set and Puerto Rico never recovered.

U.S. Roster for NORCECANo Women's Pan American Cup Final Six. Name (Position, Height, Hometown, College, USAV Region)1Olivia Babcock (Opp, 6-4, Los Angeles, Calif., Pitt, Southern California)2Merritt Beason (Opp, 6-3, Gardendale, Ala., Univ. of Nebraska, South)3Carter Booth(MB, 6-7, Englewood, Colo., University of Wisconsin, Rocky Mountain)4Cara Cresse(MB, 6-6 Fort Wayne, Ind., University of Louisville, Hoosier)6Sophie Fischer(MB, 6-5, Fort Mill, SC, Univ. of Georgia, Palmetto)7Sarah Franklin (OH, 6-4, Lake Worth, Fla., Univ. of Wisconsin, Fla.)8Eva Hudson (OH, 6-1, 2004, Fort Wayne , Ind., Purdue, Hoosier)9Taylor Landfair(OH, 6-4, Plainfield, Ill., Univ. of Nebraska, Great Lakes)10Khori Louis(MB, 6-3, Tallahassee, Fla., Florida State, Fla.)11Kami Miner (S, 6-0, Redondo Beach, Calif., Stanford, Southern Calif.)12Jess Mruzik(OH, 6-2, Livonia, Mich., Penn State, Lakeshore)13Lexi Rodriguez(L, 5-5, Sterling, Ill., University of Nebraska Great Lakes)14Elena Scott(L, 5-9, Louisville, Ky., University of Louisville, Pioneer)19Mia Tuaniga(S, 5-9, Long Beach, Calif., University of Southern California, Southern California)

Alternates5Rachel Fairbanks(S, Pitt)15Anna Dodson(MB, UCLA)16Lauren Briseo(L, Baylor University)17Chloe Chicoine(OH, Purdue University)18Anna DeBeer(OH, University of Louisville)20Kate Georgiades(L, University of Houston)21Megan Wilson(Opp, University of Kentucky)22Sami Francis(MB, Stanford University)23Jordan Iliff(Opp, University of Missouri)24Kate Lang(S, University of Hawaii)

Team Leader: James Lundgren Head Coach: Brad Rostratter Assistant Coach: Jonathan Charette 2nd Assistant Coach: Tayyiba Haneef-Park Physiotherapist: Mandolyn Peterson Statistician: TJ Read

US Schedule for NORCECA Women's Pan American Cup Final Six (all times PT)

June 26: USA beat Mexico 3-0 (33-31, 27-25, 25-15)June 28: USA beat Canada 3-0 (25-15, 25-21, 25-13)June 29: Semifinals: USA beat Puerto Rico 3-1 (25-21, 21-25, 25-23, 25-16)June 30: Gold Medal at 4 p.m.: USA vs. Dominican Republic




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