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Simone Biles, Jordan Chiles, Suni Lee and more vie for Olympic spots

Simone Biles, Jordan Chiles, Suni Lee and more vie for Olympic spots


ShareThe Tokyo Olympians and who?

Based on Friday's results, all four Tokyo Olympic athletes appear set to return to the Games. The big question tonight is: Who will join them in Paris?

A week ago, the youngest and most novice athletes in these events had virtually no chance of making the Olympic team. After a wave of injuries hit America's top contenders, they are no longer outsiders and now find themselves at or near the top of the rankings.

With their Olympic dreams within reach, it will be interesting to see how Hezly Rivera and Tiana Sumanasekera, both 16, react under the spotlight.

ShareA sneak peek at tonight's looks from gymnastics' biggest stars

Reporting from Minneapolis

The USA Gymnastics women are READY, sharing a sneak peek of their look for the final night of the Olympic Trials on social media.

Simone Biles and Jade Carey posted selfies to their Instagram Stories in their matching GK Elite leotards for tonight's tryouts.

The women's group, now reduced to 13 contenders after three injury withdrawals, is split into two teams, with each group of gymnasts changing leotard styles for the first and second days of competition.

Gabby Douglas heartbroken for Jones after forced withdrawal due to injury

After an ankle injury cut short her historic comeback this season, three-time Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas gave her thoughts on Jones' withdrawal from the trials.

“I am completely heartbroken,” Douglas said on Instagram.

“No one deserved it more,” she said, referring to Jones earning a spot on the Olympic team.

The two gymnasts trained together at Buckeye Gymnastics in Westerville, Ohio, while Douglas was preparing for the 2016 Rio Olympics, but both have since moved to other gyms.

Simone Biles leads the way ahead of tonight's finale

Simone Biles is four routines away from making her third Olympic team.

She led Olympic and club teammate Jordan Chiles by 2.5 points after the first day of competition at the Olympic Trials. Reigning Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee completes the top three.

Read the full story here.

ShareMeet the men representing the United States in Paris

The men's team was named at the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials in Minneapolis yesterday: Frederick Richard, Brody Malone, Paul Juda, Asher Hong and Stephen Nedoroscik will go to Paris.

The alternates are Shane Wiskus and Khoi Young. They narrowly missed the official team but are still considered Olympians by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

“We have a chance to win a medal, and that's what we're going to do,” Malone said after yesterday's final.

Read the full story here.

ShareJones to miss Paris Olympics after injury

No one could imagine Paris without Shilese Jones.

USA Gymnastics announced yesterday that Jones would not compete in today's trials after an evaluation, dashing her hopes of making the Paris team.

Jones, 21, was close to making the Olympic team after winning six world championship medals over the past two years.

Warming up on vault during Friday practice, Jones landed short and immediately rocked his knee.

Read the full story here.




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