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Several American military bases in Europe on heightened alert in the face of a possible terrorist threat

Several American military bases in Europe on heightened alert in the face of a possible terrorist threat



Several US military bases in Europe were placed on heightened alert over the weekend as the level of force protection was raised to its second highest level amid fears a terrorist attack could target personnel or U.S. military installations, according to two U.S. officials. .

Bases, including the U.S. Army Garrison in Stuttgart, Germany, where U.S. European Command is headquartered, raised their alert level to Force Protection Condition Charlie on Sunday, officials said. responsible.

This status applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating that some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or installations is likely, according to the U.S. military.

One of the US officials, who is stationed at a base in Europe, told CNN he had not seen this level of threat in at least 10 years, and said it generally meant the military had received an active and reliable threat.

Asked about the change, U.S. European Command spokesman Commander Dan Day declined to comment on specific force protection levels. He told CNN, however, that USEUCOM continually evaluates various factors that impact the security of the U.S. military community abroad. As part of this effort, we often take additional measures to keep our military members safe. For operational security reasons, we will not go into detail about specific measures, but we remain vigilant.

Day added that USEUCOM constantly monitors the security environment to ensure its personnel are informed and better positioned to keep themselves, their families and loved ones safe. As always, USEUCOM advises personnel in the European theater to remain alert and vigilant at all times.

It is unclear what intelligence triggered the security boost, but European authorities have warned of a potential terrorist threat on the continent, particularly ahead of the Paris Olympics in July and during the ongoing European football championships in Germany.

The German government has called in 580 international police officers to provide security alongside German officers.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said before the tournament: “We are preparing for every imaginable danger: from Islamist terrorism to violent criminals and hooligans.

France has also been preparing for the possibility of a potential terrorist threat to the Olympic Games, which begin in just under a month. Since March, France has raised its national security alert system to the highest level, according to the U.S. Embassy in France.

French authorities are actively monitoring terrorist threats from organized groups and radicalized individuals, the embassy said. Attacks can occur with little or no warning, targeting tourist sites, major sporting and cultural events, and other public places that attract large numbers of civilians.




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