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Labor's housing 'blitz' sees Prime Minister declare 'four days until we save' Britain

Labor's housing 'blitz' sees Prime Minister declare 'four days until we save' Britain


There is a lot of support in the Sunday papers as they are the last chance for publications to declare who they think should be in Downing Street after the general election.

The Observer says only a Labor government can deliver the real change Britain desperately needs. In an article published in the paper, Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said his party's victory would “rekindle the fire” among the British public and rekindle faith in politicians as public servants.

It was the Sunday Times that made the even more surprising ruling that the Conservatives had effectively “lost their right to govern”. The editorial said it believed it was now the right time for Labor to “take charge of restoring the government's capabilities”.

“The exhausted Conservatives are unwilling and unwilling to take on that challenge. There comes a time when change is the only option,” the article said. The article also included a joint interview with Sir Keir and Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, in which the pair said they were preparing a housebuilding blitz if they formed the next government.

But for the Mail on Sunday, the alarm bells are ringing. The paper says the country has “four days to prevent a supermajority”, including comments from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warning that Sir Keir would “destroy Britain in just 100 days”. It mentions policies such as scrapping the Rwandan migrant scheme, imposing VAT on school fees and giving the vote to under-16s.

The Sunday Telegraph said in an interview with Sunak that Labour would “bankrupt a whole generation of people”. He said it would be harder to buy a first home, start a family, send children to a fee-paying school, invest savings, receive a state pension and leave an inheritance under a Labour government. An editorial said Labour would win an overwhelming majority and “if Labour were to have unparalleled power to reform the country, it would be a disaster for Britain”.

The Sunday Express described Sunnack's warning to Labor as appalling, calling it a nightmarish fantasy that would engulf Britain if Sir Keir takes power.

In bold red letters, the Sunday Mirror urges leaders to vote Labour. The paper reprints some of its own front pages from the past 14 years, calling it “Tory chaos.” The paper tells readers to be on the right side of history.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps insisted in an interview with the Sun on Sunday that voters could not trust Labour to have Britain’s nuclear weapons. He singled out Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, who said she had made no secret of her opposition to Trident in the 2024 election. He warned that it could take just a heartbeat for her to lead Britain’s response if the country were to be attacked. “I think that’s a scary prospect,” he said.




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