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Noah Lyles wins 200 meters at US Olympic Trials – NBC10 Philadelphia

Noah Lyles wins 200 meters at US Olympic Trials – NBC10 Philadelphia


Noah Lyles kept his hopes of an Olympic sprint double alive Saturday night, coming from behind to win the 200 meters at the U.S. track trials in 19.53 seconds, the fastest time in the world this year.

Lyles added the 200, his signature race and the distance over which he is a three-time world champion, to the 100 he won last weekend.

It wasn't a blowout, as Lyles had to race to the line to pass Kenny Bednarek with about 10 yards left and beat him by 0.06 seconds. Erriyon Knighton, racing for the first time this year at the trials after being cleared following an investigation into eating drug-contaminated meat, finished third and made his second Olympic team.

Lyles' time of 19.53 seconds broke the Olympic Trials record of 19.66 seconds held by Michael Johnson since 1996.

Lyles will travel to Paris hoping to make up for his only loss in the 200m at a major competition that came as he battled depression and finished third in 2021 at the Tokyo Games.

“I've said it all season, but it helps not to have depression,” he told NBC in a post-race interview. “I thank God every day … for getting me through every lap. Healthy, mentally and physically.”

Lyles' victory came about 90 minutes after the competition's other big name, Sha'Carri Richardson, slowed down the final stretch of the women's 200m and finished fourth, denying her a chance to run in both sprints. Gabby Thomas won this title.

Then, as if to underline the fact that nothing is certain, Lyles found himself behind Bednarek with about 10 steps to go in the 200m.

Instead of trying to set an American or world record, as he had suggested the night before, Lyles simply had to hold off Bednarek, who adds that second-place finish to his second in the 100 and also has a chance to clinch the hardware in both races in Paris.

I had it but I tightened up a little bit, so I'll go get it next time, Bednarek said. I'm on his case.

Gabby Thomas won the women's 200m final with a time of 21.81 seconds to book her place in Paris, her second Olympic Games.

Tara Davis-Woodhall

The best long jumper in the Americas certainly knows how to put on a show. Reduced to her last attempt after two withdrawals, Tara Davis-Woodhall finally took flight from the back of the hill to avoid being eliminated.

After getting three more tries, she jumped 7 meters on the second to move from fifth to first place.

Davis-Woodhall remains undefeated this season, but this time it was a thriller match.

I don't want to put myself or you back in that position, she said in an interview over the stadium's public address system. I apologize. But I'm going to Paris, baby!

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone

Another sign of Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone's dominance in the 400 hurdles came in the semifinals.

Her time in the race where she was just trying to stay upright and move forward, 52.48 seconds, was the fastest time of 2024 in the event.

McLaughlin-Levrone holds the world record with a time of 50.68 seconds. On Sunday, she will attempt to secure a spot at the Olympics and defend her title.

Frederick Richard punches his ticket to the Paris Olympics by becoming the youngest man to win the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team trials since 1972.

New life

Weini Kelati won the 10,000 meters in Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday night, 10 years after she sought asylum in the United States. Kelati traveled to Oregon as a teenager for the world junior championships and, without telling her friends or family, missed her flight back to Eritrea to start a new life.

Taken in by a parent, Kelati went to high school in Virginia and competed at the University of New Mexico, where she became a multiple-time All-American.

Now the 27-year-old has earned a trip to the Paris Olympics. Kelati held off Parker Valby of the University of Florida by less than half a second. Karissa Schweizer, who was part of the team for the 2021 Tokyo Games, finished third.




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