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Uruguayan Marcelo Bielsa suspended for Copa match against USA

Uruguayan Marcelo Bielsa suspended for Copa match against USA


Jun 30, 2024, 03:36 PM ET

CONMEBOL has suspended Uruguay coach Marcelo Bielsa for the 2024 Copa America group stage final against the United States.

The suspension was the result of Uruguay's late entry onto the field at the start of the second half in Thursday's 5-0 win over Bolivia. The Copa America regulations stipulate that “teams must strictly respect the time set for the start of the match” and that “the coach of the team concerned will in all cases be held responsible” for infractions.

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The first offense results in a warning, while the second triggers a one-match suspension for the coach. The Uruguayan Football Federation was also fined $15,000.

CONMEBOL has taken action against teams that delayed the resumption of matches at the Copa America.

Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni and Chile coach Ricardo Gareca were both suspended earlier in the tournament for their teams' late arrivals on the pitch. Venezuela coach Fernando Batista is suspended for his team's group stage final against Jamaica on Sunday for the same offence.

Uruguay assistant coach Diego Reyes told a press conference that the Copa Amrica was a very difficult tournament in this regard.

“These sanctions are never taken well because it is a negative aspect for the team. We have taken the necessary precautions [to avoid delays] “In the last game there were still uncertainties that could not be resolved,” Reyes said. “In a locker room during a game, you know there is a lot of activity, and in this tournament they were very strict with this short period of time.”

A draw against the United States on Monday in Kansas City, Missouri, would guarantee Uruguay a place in the Copa America round of 16 as Group C winner.

“We have to play the best game possible. The United States is a very important opponent, they have players from the best championships in the world and they have done a good job for a long time under the current coach,” said Reyes. “Like all teams, they have their ups and downs.”

“They have carried the burden of playing big games. They have a balanced squad of players who have played together for a long time, which makes them an important and always difficult opponent.”

The U.S. team from the Philippines is in a more precarious position after losing to Panama on Thursday. The Americans could advance to the round of 16 regardless of the result, depending on what happens in the simultaneous Panama-Bolivia match. They might fail to qualify even with a win over Uruguay if Panama can make up for it on goal difference in a win over Bolivia.

“We have to go out there and we have to represent our country with passion and pride,” U.S. captain Christian Pulisic said after Thursday's loss to Panama. “We have to play the best game of our lives, and that's it. We want to go out there, we want to win and we want to continue in this competition.”




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