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Litvinenko's widow disgusted by Putin praise from Farage and reformist British candidates

Litvinenko's widow disgusted by Putin praise from Farage and reformist British candidates


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Russian dissidents living in the UK have hit out at Nigel Farage and other Reform UK candidates for making highly offensive comments about their admiration for Vladimir Putin.

A former British defense attaché in Moscow described Farage and his party, currently ranked third in opinion polls, as “very malicious actors, acting against our country’s security interests.”

Asked about the accusation, a Reform UK spokesman burst into laughter before saying that Reform Party candidate Julian Malins, who boasted of meeting President Putin last weekend and said he seemed like a very nice guy, was just a very intelligent and eccentric person.

Mr Malins later clarified his remarks, adding that Mr Putin was a good Russian president because he was popular, but he was not a good person from a Christian perspective.

Three dissidents, including newly-crowned Sir Bill Browder, who was Russia's biggest foreign investor before being exiled by Putin, told The Independent that Farage and Marlins' comments were not only against them but also against the invasion of Ukraine. Journalist and political activist Vladimir Kara-Murzara, who is serving a 25-year sentence in solitary confinement in Siberia on the charges, said it was also an insult to British passport holders.

After Alexei Navalny's death in a Russian penal colony, Kara-Murzaz's family now fears he will be President Putin's next target.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a meeting of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow in early June (AP)

In a June 21 BBC interview, Farage defended comments he made about the Russian president in 2014, saying that while he disliked Putin as a person, he respected him as a political manipulator because of his success in governing Russia.

Marina Litvinenko, who was murdered in 2006 after her husband, Alexander, a former Russian spy, defected and moved to Britain, said she was disgusted by comments by Mr Farage and Mr Marlins.

I felt very disgusted, because I already know how many criminal cases have been filed against President Putin. How many people were killed because of his personal orders; And how many people are now incarcerated. It was truly incredible to me to say that President Putin is a great leader.

She added that the party spokesman's characterization of Mr Malins as just a freak was downplaying the seriousness of the situation. “I don't think we should say it's not serious, that he's just a freak, because this is a very serious situation right now.

Marina Litvinenko attends the funeral of her husband, former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, at Highgate Cemetery in London on December 7, 2006. (Getty)

Grigory Chkhartishvili, a Russian-Georgian writer better known by his pen name Boris Akunin and who was designated a foreign agent by the Kremlin in January for his opposition to the war in Ukraine, has described Mr Farage and Britain's Reform Party as Putin's pawns.

The dictator knows they will support him, and his general message is: “Xenophobes and fools of the world, unite!”

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia's richest man, was arrested and spent 10 years in prison on charges of fraud and tax evasion, and while he applauded Mr Farage's right to voice his opinion, he himself strongly opposed it. . Reform British leaders to take Mr Kara-Murza's example into account.

Kara Murza, who lived in London as a teenager before returning to Russia and joining rebels opposing President Putin, was arrested in April 2022 and jailed the following year. He is currently serving the longest political sentence since the era of Joseph Stalin.

Russian opposition activist Vladimir Karamurza sits on a bench inside a defendant's cage during a hearing at the Basmani court in Moscow on October 10, 2022 (AFP/Getty)

Sir Bill was awarded a knighthood in the King's Honors List earlier this month for his tireless efforts to rescue Mr Kara-Murza and other humanitarian efforts, a sign that the comments made by Mr Faraj and Mr Marlins were a sign that anyone had become a victim of Mr Putin. It was implied that it was offensive to everyone. He described their ideas about the Russian president as foolish and absurd.

Mr Farage said last weekend that he admired Mr Putin, then said the West had provoked the Russian leader into invading Ukraine. He doubled down on those comments a day later after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer were accused of playing into Putin’s hands. Mr Farage said he could not be accused of telling the truth.

John Foreman, who served as a defense attaché in Moscow from 2019 to 2022, suggested the remarks were akin to blaming a sexual assault victim.

He said he tended to regard Farage as naive and cartoonish. He is a deeply malicious and misinformed actor who acts, willingly or not, against our nation's security interests.

Farage is not a democrat. To me he is basically an ignorant wannabe, a Mosley type of person, a plastic patriot who wraps himself in the flag but serves only himself and not his country.

Ukrainian soldiers of the 43rd Artillery Brigade firing self-propelled guns at Russian positions on the front line in the Donetsk region of Ukraine (AP)

Anyone who admires authoritarianism and hardliners will undermine our national security by signing an unjust peace agreement with Putin over the heads of Ukrainians. No matter how much beer and cigarettes he drinks, he has strayed from the proud traditions of Britain. [of] Stand up to tyranny.

When asked to respond to these claims, a British reform spokesman laughed and said: Is there a party that would increase defence spending by up to 3% compared to a party that is cutting defence spending and threatening national security? You're joking.

There is no praise for Vladimir Putin. There is criticism of his actions and deeds. Christ is alive. Are you taking medicine?

When asked about Mr. Malins' comments, the spokesman added: “Yes, he's an eccentric character, but he's a single candidate. He's KC. He's probably smarter than you and me combined. But he's very eccentric.

He has unusual views on foreign policy. This is not something shared by the party or Farage.




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