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2024 UK general election explained with maps and charts | interactive news

2024 UK general election explained with maps and charts |  interactive news


British people head to the polls on July 4th. Here's what you need to know about the political parties, their leaders, and key election issues.

British citizens will go to the polls on July 4 to choose the next party to lead the country, after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a snap general election on May 22.

Polls suggest the vote will give Labour a majority after 14 years of Conservative rule.

Here's what you need to know about the upcoming UK general election.

The United Kingdom, consisting of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, has a population of approximately 67 million and is the world's sixth largest economy.

When does voting start?

Polling stations across the UK will be open on 4 July from 7am to 10pm local time (6am to 9pm GMT).

When will the results be announced?

Exit polls, which take place around 10pm GMT on Thursday, will provide a glimpse into where voters stand, with some results expected to be released before midnight and most constituency results expected early Friday morning.

In 2019, the Conservatives' victory was confirmed at around 5am.

How does voting work in the UK?

Voters in 650 constituencies across the UK will elect members of the House of Commons, the lower house of parliament, through a first-past-the-post system. To win each constituency and gain a seat in the House of Commons, a candidate must win more votes than his or her rivals.

To secure a majority in the House of Commons, a party must win at least 50% of the 326 seats and be asked to form a government by King Charles III. Members of the Senate are appointed, not elected.

If no party gets a majority, there is a Hang Parliament.

How is the British government structured?

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, meaning that the monarch, Charles III, is the head of state. However, the monarch's role is largely symbolic and ceremonial, including granting royal assent to legislation.

The Parliament is a bicameral system consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and is housed in the Palace of Westminster.

The House of Representatives consists of 650 members elected by the people. Unlike the House of Representatives, there is no fixed number of senators. As of June 20, 2024, there are 784 members in office. It consists of life peers, hereditary peers, and bishops.

The prime minister, who leads the executive branch that implements laws, appoints senior cabinet members for a five-year term, usually heads of government departments.

The United Kingdom has decentralized governments such as the Scottish and Welsh Assembly and the Northern Ireland Assembly, all of which have some level of legislative power.

British County Council

The House of Commons has 650 seats, each representing a constituency across the UK.

Before Parliament adjourned on May 30, the House of Commons was made up of 13 political parties and 17 independents, including:

Conservative Party 344 seats (52.9%) Labour Party 205 seats (31.5%) Scottish National Party (SNP) 43 seats (6.6%) Liberal Democrats 15 seats (2.3%)

The remaining 43 seats were held by nine other political parties and independent lawmakers.

How did the political parties fare in the last election?

The Conservative Party has been in power for 14 years and has appointed five prime ministers.

In the 2019 election, the Conservatives won 43% of the popular vote and 365 seats, led by Boris Johnson. They have since lost some seats, partly due to by-elections, and won 344 seats in the current election (before the dissolution on 30 May). Jeremy Corbyn's Labour won 32% of the vote and 202 seats in 2019. They have now risen to 205.

The last Labour government was led by Gordon Brown, who led Britain from 2007 to 2010.

Who are the main leaders/party?

There are many political parties in the UK, but the two parties that dominate politics in the 20th and 21st centuries are the Conservatives and the Labor Party.

The Conservative Party, also known as the Conservative Party, is a centre-right party currently led by Rishi Sunnack, who took over from Liz Truss in October 2022. The Labor Party is a centre-left party led by Keir Starmer. They were last in power between 1997 and 2010, under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. The Liberal Democrats are a center-left party led by Ed Davey. It was in power from 2010 to 2015 in a coalition with Cameron and the Conservative Party, led by then-Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, then leader of the Liberal Democrats. The Green Party is a left-wing ecological party led by Carla Denier and Adrian Ramsey. Reform Britain is a right-wing political party led by Nigel Parage. The Scottish National Party is a center-left party led by John Sweeney. Plaid Cymru, a centre-left to left Welsh political party led by Rhun ap Iorwerth. DUP, Democratic Unionist Party, centre-right Northern Ireland party led by Gavin Robinson.

What are the key issues in the 2024 general election?

The economy, healthcare, immigration, the housing crisis and the environment are among the most important issues facing Britons ahead of the election, according to a survey by polling company YouGov.

As of June 24th, the survey results are as follows:

Economy: 52% Health: 50% Immigration and Asylum: 40% Housing: 24% Environment: 20%




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