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Heat dome should help protect US from beryl

Heat dome should help protect US from beryl


By Jonathan Belles5 hours ago

A high pressure dome is expected to develop in the South. This should deflect Beryl westward across the Caribbean. The dome will burn the Southeast after the holidays.

All eyes are on Beryl as it sails through the Caribbean this week, but the system is unlikely to pose a serious threat to much of the U.S. Gulf Coast due to the heat building up over the southern United States.

(PLUS: Latest forecast for Beryl)

Shock of a heat dome against a hurricane? A large, trouble-free bubble is expected to take hold across the South as Independence Day approaches. This high pressure dome will act as a deflector shield against Beryl once it enters the Caribbean.

Its clockwise flow will guide Beryl west-northwest across the Caribbean until the end of this week. This trajectory is expected to keep Beryl south of Florida and on the northern U.S. Gulf Coast, but what happens next is still a little uncertain.

Assuming Beryl remains intact in the face of increasing wind shear over the Caribbean, it will cross Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and Belize by Friday, then into the southwest Gulf of Mexico next weekend.

The majority of predictions from the forecast model show that the anticyclone's clockwise orientation will allow Beryl to continue tracking west-northwestward across the southwest Gulf from Mexico to eastern Mexico, instead of turning north toward the U.S. Gulf Coast. That said, it is too early to rule out a shift further north and interests in Texas should still monitor the situation closely for anticipated changes.

(MORE: How to Read Spaghetti Patterns Like a Pro)

The heat dome will likely bake the South. Of course, this protective shield is not all good news.

Temperatures in the South will be warm at times this week, including on July 4, as shown below. That means temperatures well above 90°F and close to 100°F.

Maximum Forecast and Setup for July 4

And if you're looking for precipitation, you may be hard-pressed to find it in the Southeast, where the air is generally expected to sink. The weather probably won't be completely dry, but summer thunderstorms will have a harder time developing.

Check regularly for updates to this forecast as details become clearer in the coming days.


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