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Leanne Wong Named Alternate Athlete to US Olympic Team

Leanne Wong Named Alternate Athlete to US Olympic Team


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Rising Gator senior Leanne Wong is heading to Paris as an alternate athlete for the 2024 U.S. Olympic gymnastics team. This is Wong's second Olympic berth, having been an alternate athlete in 2020 for the American team in Tokyo.

The team was announced Sunday following the final day of the 2024 Olympic Trials at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As the Olympic Trials all-around champion, Simone Biles earned an automatic spot on the U.S. roster. The remaining four competing team members and replacement athletes were selected by a committee.

The 2024 U.S. women's Olympic team joins the men's team after the conclusion of the Olympic Trials. The U.S. women's team includes Leanne Wong (front row, left), Sunisa Lee, Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey, Simone Biles, Joscelyn Roberson and Hezley Rivera. Photo by Lloyd Smith

Olympics/Collegiate Connection Since 1980, 77 different gymnasts have represented the United States at the Olympic Games. Ten, including Leanne Wong, earned an Olympic berth after completing a collegiate season:

Olympic Gymnast First Season Kathy Johnson Clarke 1980, 1984 1979 at Centenary Kelly Garrison Steves 1988 1987 at Oklahoma Mohini Bhardwaj 2004 1998 at UCLA Alicia Sacramone 2008 2007 at Brown Anna Li 2012* 2007 at UCLA MyKayla Skinner 2016*, 2020 2017 at Utah Leanne Wong 2020*, 2024* 2022 at Florida Sunisa Lee 2020, 2024 2022 at Auburn Jordan Chiles 2020, 2024 2022 at Oregon State Jade Carey 2020, 2024 2022 at UCLA *Alternate Athlete

Wong Competing Sunday: Wong improved on her first day scores Sunday on vault, beam and floor exercise, with her uneven bars mark just 0.025 off Friday's mark.

She opened the night with a clean performance on the uneven bars. Wong made her biggest score improvements on beam and floor exercise. She kept deductions to a minimum on beam and didn't commit any out-of-bounds errors that could have hurt Sunday's floor score. Wong finished her competition by landing her Cheng vault for the third-best vault score of the night (14.50).

“The first day wasn't very strong, but I went into the second day wanting to leave everything behind and that's what I did today. I'm very proud of my new vault. I never thought I'd be competing in it at the Olympic trials, so I'm very grateful for it,” Wong said after the meet.

Full standings from day two of the Olympic trials

How to watch: The Olympics begin Sunday, July 28 for the U.S. women. Watch the action on NBC (Gainesville/Ocala Cox Cable 9) and Peacock July 28 Women's Qualification (USA Subdivision 2, Balance Beam Start) July 30 Women's Team Final 12:15 p.m. Aug. 3 Women's All-Around Final 9:30 a.m. Aug. 4 Apparatus final, day 1 9 a.m. August 5 Apparatus final, day 2 6 a.m.

About Leanne Wong: Leanne Wong earned her sixth place on the U.S. Senior National Team earlier this month at the Xfinity USA Gymnastics Championships. Leanne Wong 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Wong finished her junior season by winning the 2024 NCAA uneven bars title. She also took second place in the all-around and on vault, becoming the only gymnast to finish in the individual top 2 three times at the 2024 NCAA competition. A member of the gold medal-winning U.S. team at the 2022 and 2023 World Championships, Wong won silver in the all-around at the 2021 World Championships. She was in Tokyo as a U.S. replacement athlete at the 2024 NCAA competition. 2020 Olympics and made Team USA again in 2024 as a replacement athlete.




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