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US Olympics gymnastics team ready as Simone Biles gets third trip

US Olympics gymnastics team ready as Simone Biles gets third trip


Simone Biles is returning to the Olympics and the hot spotlight that comes with them.

The gymnastics superstar earned a third appearance on her sport's biggest stage by claiming victory at the U.S. Olympic trials on Sunday night, posting a two-day total of 117.225 to earn the lone automatic spot on the five-woman team.

Three years out from the Tokyo Olympics — where she withdrew from several finals to prioritize her safety and mental health — Biles is returning to the games looking perhaps as good as ever.

“By trusting the process and my coaches, I knew I would be back,” Biles said.

A trip to France was never really in doubt since she returned from a two-year hiatus last summer. All she has done in the past 12 months is win a sixth world all-around title and her eighth and ninth national championships – both records – while further cementing her status as the sport’s all-time great.

Simone Biles greets fans during day four of the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Gymnastics Trials at Target Center on June 30, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jamie Squire/Getty Images

She will head to Paris as the heavy favourite to crown the Olympic gold she won in 2016, but also with things to work on.

Biles fell back after landing her Yurchenko double pike, a testament to both the difficulty of the jump and the immense power she generates during a skill that few male gymnasts attempt and even fewer pull off as cleanly .

She jumped off the beam after failing to land her side jump, although she wasn't as frustrated as during a botched performance Friday that left her uttering an expletive for the world to see.

Biles finished with a flourish on the floor exercise, her signature event. While there was a small step out of bounds, there was also a world-class fall that recently drew shouts from pop star Taylor Swift, whose song “Ready For It” opens Biles' routine.

She stepped off the podium to a standing ovation, then sat at the top of the steps to enjoy what could be her last competitive run on American soil for quite some time.

Next stop, Paris.

The Americans will be loaded with experience as they attempt to return to the top step of the podium after finishing second to Russia in 2020.

Reigning Olympic champion Sunisa Lee, 2020 Olympic floor exercise champion Jade Carey and 2020 Olympic silver medalists Jordan Chiles and Hezley Rivera have all made the final U.S. roster. Joscelyn Roberson and Leanne Wong will travel to Paris as alternates.

Simone Biles, Suni Lee and Jordan Chiles react after competing on the fourth day of the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Gymnastics Trials at Target Center on June 30, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Elsa/Getty Images

However, the Biles who will tread the Bercy Arena floor for the Olympic qualifications in four weeks is not the same one who left Tokyo.

She took intentional steps to ensure her life was no longer defined by her gymnastics. Biles married Chicago Bears safety Jonathan Owens in the spring of 2023 and the two are building a house in the northern suburbs of Houston that they hope to move into shortly after Biles returns from Paris.

Biles heads to France perhaps as the face of the U.S. Olympic movement, although she is well aware that the more than a million people watching the competition next month will be checking to see whether the demons that derailed her in Tokyo are returning surface.

And while she still experiences moments of anxiety, including during last year's world championships, she has put protective measures in place. She meets with a therapist every week, even during the competition season, something she didn't do in preparation for the 2020 Games.

Biles, Lee, Carey, Chiles and Rivera will be considered heavy favorites in France, especially with reigning Olympic champions Russia unable to compete due to the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

The Americans will bring their oldest women's team to the Games, as Biles' unmatched longevity — she hasn't lost a meet she started and finished since 2013 — and the NCAA's loosening of name, image and likeness rules have allowed 2020 Olympic veterans Carey, Chiles and Lee to continue competing while enjoying their newfound fame at the same time.

They drew on that experience to return to that moment in an at-times grueling competition that saw top contenders Shilese Jones, Skye Blakely and Kayla DiCello exit with leg injuries that took them out of the mix weeks before the opening ceremonies.

2024 Summer Olympics in Paris




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