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BA 159: Kuwaiti plane hostage taking, suing BA and UK government

BA 159: Kuwaiti plane hostage taking, suing BA and UK government


At the heart of the claim is the claim that the UK government and BA received a series of warnings throughout the night but failed to act on them.

One reason, it has been argued, is that the government wanted to deploy special forces that could conduct reconnaissance activities within the country.

Stephen Davis wrote a book about the incident and said he interviewed members of the team anonymously.

He believes authorities did not expect the airport to be taken over by Iraqi invading forces so quickly and that the men had intended to disembark the plane before it moved on to its next destination.

A BA cabin service director who was on the plane previously told the BBC that a British man in military uniform greeted him at the plane door upon arrival in Kuwait.

The man said he was met by 10 men who had boarded the plane at Heathrow Airport. They were brought forward, taken off and never seen again. But by then it was too late for the plane to leave.

A British official working at the Kuwaiti embassy at the time said he believed there was an undeniable plot to get boots on the ground without informing the embassy.

Anthony Paice was head of political intelligence, widely known for his role in MI6.

“I am confident that the use of military intelligence on British Airways Flight 149 did indeed occur, despite repeated official denials,” he told the BBC in his first interview of 2021.

In November 2021, the Foreign Office acknowledged that parliament and the public had been misinformed about the Flight 149 incident for decades.

Recently released documents show that the British ambassador to Kuwait warned the Foreign Office about an invasion, but said nothing to the British ambassador.

However, then Foreign Secretary Liz Truss repeated previous denials that the plane had been used for secret intelligence missions.

Matthew Jury, of law firm McCue Jury and Partners, which supports the argument, said there had to be closure and accountability to erase this shameful stain on Britain's conscience.

A Cabinet Office spokeswoman said the government does not comment on ongoing legal matters. BA did not respond to a request for comment.




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