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Stop the rise of Reform UK against the far right

Stop the rise of Reform UK against the far right


General Election 2024

Nigel Farage's racist Reform Party threatens to embed racism further into British politics.

By Thomas Foster

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Monday July 01, 2024

No. 2912

Anti-racism activists protest against Reform UK in Clacton (Photo: Guy Smallman)

Nigel Farage's racist Reform UK party threatened an electoral breakthrough in the general election as Socialist Worker was printed. Such a result would mean that racism is deepening in British politics.

Farage held a rally in Birmingham on Saturday, attended by 4,500 people, claiming he wanted to create a mass movement.

At the rally, Farage described migration as a national security emergency, linking it to social and cultural decline. He called for Make Britain Great Again as the crowd greeted him with chants of Nigel, Nigel, Nigel!

The rally comes after Reform UK was forced to drop some of its candidates after revelations of racist comments.

It's not that their views are different from those of many Reform UK members, it's that their views have been discovered.

Edward Oakenpool, Derbyshire Dales candidate, Robert Lomas, Barnsley North candidate and Lesley Lilley, Southend East and Rochford candidate, are still on the ballot paper as Reform UK candidates.

It's a sign of how lightly the party takes racist remarks. Oakenfull posted a disparaging remark on social media last year about the IQ of sub-Saharan Africans. He said the remark was taken out of context.

Lomas reportedly said that black people need to stop lifting their lazy asses and acting like savages.

The Times newspaper reported the remarks on June 8, at a time when Reform UK claimed the quotes had been taken out of context.

Lily reportedly described people arriving in small boats as trash in social media posts, adding: “I hope your family gets robbed, beaten or attacked.”

The Reform Party is a corrupt party, and is aiming for a record high turnout of far-right voters. The previous record was in 2015, when the UK Independence Party won 3.8 million votes, or 12.6%.

The new campaign came amid a surge in support for the fascists in France, Germany and Italy.

The French election highlights the rise of the far right in Europe. And in the United States, far-right Donald Trump looks set to win the presidency.

In Britain, Reform UK is outpacing the Conservatives, and the party's disarray will deepen following its impending election defeat.

They will be sent out into the wilderness to find answers. Some Conservative analysis is that they are too left-wing and have moved further to the right.

Some may make a dirty deal with Farage and Reform UK so that Farage can join the Conservative Party.

We may see a re-alignment of the right in Britain. What is certain is that the rise of the far right will mean more racist lies, scapegoating, and hate. It will fuel ground-level fascists like Tommy Robinson.

Anti-racists, unions and the left must organise and fight the far right. There will be a vital fight to counter Robinson’s mobilisation in London on July 27th.




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