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USMNT vs Uruguay: Match Recap | America's Cup 2024

USMNT vs Uruguay: Match Recap | America's Cup 2024


KANSAS CITY, Mo. (July 1, 2024) – The United States Men’s National Team concluded its 2024 Copa America run with a controversial and competitive 1-0 loss to South American powerhouse Uruguay on Monday night. The United States finished Group C with three points (1W-2L-0D) and in third place, behind Uruguay (3W-0L-0D; 9 pts) and Panama (2W-1L-0D). Only the top two teams advanced to the quarterfinals of the tournament.

For a few minutes in the second half at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium, the United States was in position to go ahead. But Uruguay's Mathas Olivera scored a controversial set-piece goal in the 66th minute, giving the South Americans an advantage they couldn't relinquish. Meanwhile, in Orlando, Florida, Panama took matters into their own hands against Bolivia in their final Group C match. Needing two goals to move up the standings, the United States couldn't find an answer to Uruguay's frantic pressure and solid defense.

Forced to make at least one change to his starting XI by Tim Weah's red card suspension, coach Gregg Berhalter on Monday opted to reinstall the midfield trio that led the United States to the round of 16 at the 2022 FIFA World Cup: Tyler Adams, Weston McKennie and Yunus Musah. It was Musah's first start at the Copa America. Gio Reyna, who had been deployed in midfield in previous group stage games against Bolivia and Panama, was moved to the left wing. Berhalter's back four remained consistent, and goalkeeper Matt Turner returned to net after leaving the loss to Panama with a bruised leg.

The U.S. national team faced a full-strength Uruguay team. Despite their first two wins, the Celeste were still not assured of a quarterfinal spot when Monday's matches kicked off. As a result, head coach Marcelo Bielsa, suspended for one match, fielded the same eleven that started the 5-0 rout of Bolivia four days earlier.

The Americans started the game well, however, showing a willingness to recover loose balls and play through the Uruguayan defense. In the 13th minute, Reyna sent in a dangerous cross that goalkeeper Sergio Rochet collected just before the ball reached American forward Folarin Balogun, and defender Antonee Robinson headed home. But that pace was short-lived, as tactical errors, collisions and the referee's whistles affected the tempo and limited the scoring opportunities for both sides. Uruguay's Maximiliano Arajo and Balogun both left the field injured before halftime.

The USA had its ups and downs in the second half. Just after the hour mark, many of the 55,460 fans in the Arrowhead stands, as well as those in uniform, realized that Bolivia had tied the score with Panama. At that point, a 0-0 draw with Uruguay would have been enough to send the U.S. national team to the round of 16. But minutes later, the 15-time Copa America champions took the lead. FC Barcelona defender Ronald Arajo fired a well-placed header that forced Turner to dive to save. But the Celestes' other center back, Olivera, was the first to collect the rebound. It appeared Olivera was slightly offside when Arajo touched the ball, but VAR confirmed the goal after several minutes of checking.

Panama then scored a second goal in Orlando, leaving the United States with no choice but to try to impose themselves. Berhalter brought on strikers Josh Sargent and Haji Wright and despite threatening moments of possession and some frantic moments in the Uruguayan penalty area, the hosts failed to break through. Wright's deflected shot in the 87th, which was covered by Rochet, proved to be the most promising opportunity. The United States had eight shots in total, three of which were on target.

With the 2024 Copa America over, the U.S. national team will reconvene in early September for home friendlies against Concacaf rival Canada (Sept. 7 in Kansas City, Kan.) and newly crowned OFC Nations Cup champion New Zealand (Sept. 10 in Cincinnati, Ohio). The U.S.’s next major tournament is the 2025 Concacaf Gold Cup, where it will seek its eighth regional title.


URU Mathas Olivera, 66th minute: A Uruguayan free kick from the right was headed in by centre-back Ronald Arajo. Matt Turner dove to his right and pushed the ball away, but Olivera was the first to get the ball and fired it over the line. The goal stood after a lengthy VAR review. USA 0, URU 1 FINAL

ADDITIONAL NOTESThe United States is now 2W-3L-4D against Uruguay. Haji Wright and Malik Tillman entered the match as second-half substitutes, making their first Copa America appearances. Gregg Berhalter made one change to the lineup that faced Panama on Thursday, with Yunus Musah making his first start of the tournament in place of suspended forward Tim Weah. Musah (21 years, 215 days) became the youngest USMNT player to earn 25 caps in competitive competition, surpassing Jozy Altidore, who was 21 years, 220 days when he earned his 25th competitive appearance on June 14, 2011, against Guadeloupe in the Concacaf Gold Cup. Christian Pulisic became the 15th USMNT player to earn 50 competitive appearances. At 25 years and 287 days, he is the second youngest to accomplish this feat after Landon Donovan (25 years and 100 days) on June 12, 2007 against El Salvador in the Gold Cup. Pulisic also captained the U.S. men's national team for the 26th time tonight. The United States has a record of 17 wins, 5 losses and 4 draws under Pulisic. Gregg Berhalter has a record of 44 wins, 17 losses and 13 draws in 74 games as head coach of the U.S. men's national team and a record of 29-9-7 in 45 competitive games. Today's starting lineup had an average age of 25 years and 255 days. The starting lineup has averaged 39 caps and 24 competitive appearances. – UNITED STATES MEN'S NATIONAL TEAM GAME REPORT –

Match: United States Men's National Team vs. UruguayDate: July 1, 2024Competition: 2024 Copa America Group CVenue: GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium; Kansas City, Mo.Attendance: 55,460Kickoff: 8:00 p.m. local time / 9:00 p.m. EDTWeather: 26 degrees, sunny

Score summary 1 2 F USA 0 0 0 URU 0 1 1 URU – Mathas Olivera 66th minute

Team lineups: United States: 1-Matt Turner; 22-Joe Scally (19-Haji Wright, 79), 3-Chris Richards, 13-Tim Ream (17-Malik Tillman, 89), 5-Antonee Robinson; 8-Weston McKennie, 4-Tyler Adams, 6-Yunus Musah (26-Josh Sargent, 72); 10-Christian Pulisic (captain), 20-Folarin Balogun (9-Ricardo Pepi, 41), 7-Gio ReynaReplacements: 18-Ethan Horvath, 25-Sean Johnson, 2-Cameron Carter-Vickers, 11-Brenden Aaronson, 12-Miles Robinson, 14-Luca de la Torre, 15-Johnny Cardoso, 16-Shaq Moore, 23-Kristoffer Lund, 24-Mark McKenzieSuspended: 21-Tim WeahHead Coach: Gregg Berhalter

URU: 1- Sergio Rochet; 8-Nahitan Nndez, 4-Ronald Arajo, 16-Mathas Olivera, 17-Matas Via (2-Jos Mara Gimnez, 72); 5-Manuel Ugarte (3-Sebastin Cceres, 89), 15-Federico Valverde; 11-Facundo Pellistri, 7-Nicols de la Cruz (6-Rodrigo Bentancur, 79), 20-Maximiliano Arajo; 19-Darwin Nez (9-Luis Surez, 89) Substitutes: 14-Agustín Canobbio, 21-Emiliano Martnez, 24-Lucas Olaza, 18-Brian Rodrguez, 10-Giorgian de Arrascaeta, 12-Franco Israel, 23-Santiago Mele, 22-Nicols Marichal, 26-Brian Ocampo, 13-Gullermo VarelaHead Coach: Marcelo Bielsa

Stats Summary: USA / URUShots: 8 / 12Shots on goal: 3 / 4Saves: 3 / 2Corner kicks: 2 / 3False: 12 / 12Offside: 1 / 0

Misconduct Summary: USA Tyler Adams (warning) 17th minute USA Chris Richards (warning) 33 URU – Darwin Nez (warning) 45

Officials:Referee: Kevin Ortega (PER)Assistant Referee 1: Michel Orue (PER)Assistant Referee 2: Stephen Atoche (PER)Fourth Official: Augusto Menendez (PER)Fifth Official: Jose Antelo (BOL)VAR: Carlos Orbe (ECU) AVAR: Bryan Loayza (ÉCU)




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