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Tubi officially launches in the UK

Tubi officially launches in the UK
Tubi officially launches in the UK


Tubi has officially launched in the UK, marking the free, ad-supported streaming service's most significant overseas expansion yet.

The Fox-owned AVOD platform is making waves across the Atlantic, offering more than 20,000 on-demand movies and TV episodes, including content from companies like Disney, Lionsgate, NBCUniversal, Sony Pictures, and Tubi Originals.

“Outside of North America, it’s a big market,” Tubi CEO Anjali Sud told Variety ahead of the launch.

The expansion, which was announced last year following the hiring of former Endeavor UK executive David Salmon as head of international operations, comes at a time of impressive viewership numbers, with Tubi now the fastest-growing streaming service in the US.

According to Nielsen, it had its most-watched month ever in May, up 46% from a year ago and averaging 1 million viewers, putting it ahead of Disney+, comfortably ahead of Peacock, Max, and Paramount+, and ahead of free streamers like the Roku Channel and Pluto TV. It’s now second only to YouTube viewers in the free, ad-supported streaming world.

According to Sud, the UK market, where public broadcasters like the BBC and ITV dominate the free-to-air streaming space, has been underserved by existing ecosystems that try to serve many people at once, particularly when it comes to specific audiences — particularly young, multicultural audiences.

“Similar to the US, there was a natural need to revert to the middle ground to focus on mass appeal, which is very difficult in a country with so many different people with so many different tastes and perspectives,” she said.

With that in mind, Sud said the UK launch will feature a film collection that is “10 times larger than any other broadcaster”, including more than 100 premium Bollywood titles, more than 100 premium Nollywood titles and a “rich catalogue” of arthouse titles.

But it’s also banking on the “weird, wonderful, and colorful” content that’s doing well on the platform in the U.S., particularly its growing library of Tubi Originals. Sud touted the “drag queen vampire horror” feature “Slay” and the X-rated reality series “House of Heat,” which stars a group of OnlyFans creators as they grow their online businesses.

Outside of the U.S., Tubi has launched in Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Panama over the past decade. While there has been recent talk of international expansion, Sud said it’s unlikely that Tubi will be available in other European territories right away following its UK launch.

The expansion effectively marks Tubi’s return to the UK, where the platform withdrew from the region and the rest of Europe in 2018 due to the EU’s strict General Data Protection Regulation rules. Having since left the EU, GDPR rules no longer apply to the UK.

“There have certainly been attempts in the past to get into the UK, but we’ve never really launched formally in a committed and deliberate way,” Sud said. “And as you can imagine, we’ve put a lot of effort into making sure we’re compliant with all the regulations, including GDPR. And most importantly, we have a really strong proposition that we think is necessary. So this is our first formal attempt, and we think it’s going to be successful.”

To support its UK launch, Tubi will be launching an advertising campaign in late July that criticises the entertainment industry's perceived arrogance, with posters and ads urging people to “watch what they actually want to watch” rather than the snobbish content they think they should watch.




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