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U.S. Agrees to Help Panama Expel Migrants Crossing Darien Fault

U.S. Agrees to Help Panama Expel Migrants Crossing Darien Fault


The United States and Panama signed an agreement Monday that will allow U.S. officials to help the Panamanian government expel migrants crossing the Darien, a once-impenetrable jungle that has become a popular transit point for those heading to the U.S. southern border.

Under the joint initiative, U.S. immigration officials will train and assist Panamanian authorities to help them carry out more expulsions of migrants heading north. In recent years, Panama has reported record numbers of crossings along the roadless Darien jungle, including more than half a million in 2023 alone.

The Department of Homeland Security will send officials with experience processing asylum claims and removing migrants to Panama so they can assist their Panamanian counterparts on the ground. With State Department funding, the United States will also help Panama set up its deportation infrastructure.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who attended the inauguration of Panama's President-elect José Raúl Mulino on Monday, said the agreement was part of a “regional response” to migration.

“As the United States continues to secure our borders and remove individuals without a legal basis to remain, we are grateful for our partnership with Panama to manage historic levels of migration across the Western Hemisphere,” Mayorkas said in a statement.

Aerial view of the reception center for migrants in Lajas Blancas, Darien province, Panama, on June 27, 2024. MARTIN BERNETTI/AFP via Getty Images

Mulino has pledged to take a tough stance against migrant arrivals in Panama, pledging to “close” the Darien loophole and accusing international aid workers of facilitating illegal immigration.

The deal between the two countries had been in the works for months. CBS News was first to report in November that the Biden administration planned to send U.S. immigration agents to Panama.

The move is the latest by the Biden administration to stem illegal border crossings at the southern U.S. border. Last month, after President Biden partially suspended asylum processing under his executive authority, illegal border crossings fell to the lowest level under his administration.

The deal also underscores the extent to which the United States, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, has come to rely on other countries to reduce the number of migrants crossing its southern border.

In recent months, Mexican authorities have been aggressively cracking down on migrants from reaching northern Mexico. Ecuador also recently imposed visa restrictions on Chinese migrants, who were using the South American country as a base to reach the U.S. border.

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