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UK weather: Met Office reveals when summer will return after June’s chill

UK weather: Met Office reveals when summer will return after June’s chill


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Britons got a short but sweet taste of summer heat last week, with temperatures reaching 31 degrees Celsius in some parts of the UK.

June marked the beginning of summer with mild rain and cold temperatures, with temperatures reaching a low of 5 degrees Celsius, followed by warm weather.

Unfortunately, this heatwave was short-lived, with cloudy skies and chilly temperatures returning across the country over the weekend and throughout the week.

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration, June recorded below-average temperatures despite a heat wave in the latter half of the month.

A Met Office spokesperson said: Temperatures for the first two weeks of June were around two degrees below average, as a northerly wind brought cold Arctic air across the UK, marking the start of a meteorologically cool summer.

June was colder than usual, and last week's heatwave wasn't enough to push up the monthly average (PA Wire)

In the second half of the month, the jet stream moved northwards, creating a high pressure area that brought warmth to many areas, especially the south. Parts of southeast England experienced temperatures of over 28 degrees for several days.

The warm weather didn't last long, with temperatures returning to below average for the last few days of the month.

But there is a glimmer of hope that summer temperatures will soon return, with forecasters predicting temperatures will rise next week.

Met Office spokeswoman Andrea Bishop said conditions were starting to stabilize early next week, at least for the time being.

This is especially true in the eastern region, where temperatures are expected to rise back toward average levels and potentially above average over the next week.

Britons got a taste of a short but sweet summer heat last week. (Peter Byrne/PA Wire)

This is expected to come after a cool and rainy weekend, with frequent showers expected on Saturday, especially in the Northwest.

Early next week, more clouds, rain and stronger winds are expected across the west.

The disappointingly cold and unstable weather is expected to continue into the second half of July. The Met Office has forecasted the following for July 16-30: Throughout the month, the latest information suggests that the cold and unstable weather is now slightly more likely to return.

The forecast signals are all rather weak and conflicting, making it very difficult to be certain of a definitive situation in this range.

There is a glimmer of hope that summer temperatures will soon return (Victoria Jones/PA)(PA Wire)

Below is the full five-day forecast from the Korea Meteorological Administration.


Tuesday is sunny with scattered showers, mainly affecting Scotland and Northern Ireland. Later in the northwest, it will become windy, cloudy and rainy. Feel good when the sun shines.


Rain is expected to continue to spread eastwards across Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England this evening and overnight. It will generally become drier but still cloudy as you head south.


Wednesday is a cloudy and wet day for many, especially in the north of England. The northwest is particularly windy and feels cool under the cloud and rain.

Outlook for Thursday through Saturday:

Thursday is brighter and stormier. Friday is windier and rain pours in from the south. Saturday is sunny and showery. Temperatures are still cool.




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