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Copa America: USA captain Pulisic 'cannot accept' referee's decisions

Copa America: USA captain Pulisic 'cannot accept' referee's decisions


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — United States captain Christian Pulisic made it clear he didn't believe refereeing was to blame for his team's elimination from the Copa America group stage, but he was baffled by the decisions in Monday's 1-0 loss to Uruguay at Arrowhead Stadium, a result that sealed the Americans' fate.

“Honestly, I saw things I've never seen before today and I really can't believe it,” Pulisic told reporters. “That's not the reason we lost; we're not out of this tournament because of the refereeing.”

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“But really, I've seen things that I just can't accept. I think everyone can admit that I don't know what I'm looking at. I don't know what they call it. I don't know what he's doing. He doesn't give any explanation. He does things that I just can't accept.”

Referee Kevin Ortega was seen on camera refusing to shake Pulisic's hand after the final whistle, after Pulisic appeared to make an initial gesture to him from a distance.

“He didn't want to shake my hand. That's normal, I mean, I guess.”

Uruguayan defender Mathas Olivera scored the only goal of the game in the 66th minute. Olivera appeared to be in an offside position when the ball was deflected, but a lengthy VAR review confirmed the goal without sending Ortega to the video monitor. Replays showed an indistinguishable overlap between Olivera's body and the foot of American defender Chris Richards, who ostensibly kept the Uruguayan in position to enter the game.

“It's really crazy,” USMNT head coach Gregg Berhalter said of the call. “I don't understand it. You know, I feel like I know the rule pretty well. I feel like we've had pictures of how the rule could be interpreted and it's an offside goal. It's disappointing, it really is, but you know, it happens in football and we have to live with it, obviously.”

Christian Pulisic said he was upset by the referee's decisions. Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images

There were several controversial bookings throughout Monday's game, but the strangest moment outside the goal came in the 32nd minute, when Ortega pulled out a yellow card to give Richards. Uruguay quickly moved to play the free kick and, before fully extending his arm to raise the yellow card, Ortega raised his other arm to indicate play. Nahitan Nndez was behind the goal but missed his shot.

The match is usually stopped when a yellow card is issued so the referee can record the caution. Several American players argued with Ortega after the action. Adams said after the match that it was the “first time I've seen” such an incident.

The 1-0 loss, combined with Panama's 3-1 win over Bolivia in a simultaneous match, left the U.S. national team third in the group. It is the first time the United States has failed to qualify for the group stage of a Copa America, Gold Cup or World Cup played on home soil. The United States will co-host the 2026 World Cup.




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