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From conflict to climate, what are the UK parties’ international plans? | Global Development


Conflict and environmental disaster are draining humanitarian resources, and the new British government will have to decide what role it will play in tackling global issues on the world stage, especially after the Conservatives’ budget cuts and the closure of the Department for International Development, and with priorities so focused on Ukraine. We spoke to the major parties and looked at their manifestos to find out what their plans are.


Since April 2023, the war and resulting humanitarian crisis that has devastated Sudan has become the world’s largest emergency, and famine has already set in. The advance of the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group into the city of El Fasher in Darfur has once again raised alarms about potential genocide. However, most political parties have not mentioned Sudan at all in their manifestos, instead supporting Ukraine and mentioning Israel and Palestine.

People line up to register for potential food aid deliveries at a camp for internally displaced people on June 17, 2024. Photograph: Guy Peterson/AFP/Getty Images

The conservative current government is concerned about the situation in Darfur and Sudan as a whole, and submitted a resolution to the UN Security Council in June calling for an end to the RSF siege of El Fasher. The party’s manifesto mentions Sudan as one of several conflicts in which we will redouble our efforts to find a diplomatic breakthrough.

It is a huge concern and it is taking up a lot of time. Ukraine and Gaza mean the world's focus is somewhere else and we need to get that right,” said Andrew Mitchell, the Foreign Office minister.

Labour's shadow Africa minister, Lynn Brown, is pressuring the warring parties to improve humanitarian access and agree a ceasefire. A Labour spokeswoman said: Britain has a leadership role in Sudan at the UN Security Council. Labour will support a stronger and more coordinated international effort to achieve an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, ensure accountability for violations of international law and restore peaceful civil rule.

Laila Moran, the Liberal Democrats' foreign affairs spokeswoman, said the party would increase humanitarian assistance to Sudan and play a greater role in pursuing a long-term peace that would see civilians form a democratic government and war crimes prosecuted.

The Green Party's situation in Sudan is dire. We will work within the UN and use Britain's privileged role as a member of the UN Security Council to promote peace and uphold human rights and international law, a Green Party spokesperson said.

The Scottish National Party, Plaid Copeland and Reform UK did not mention Sudan in their manifesto and did not comment to the Guardian Global Development team on their lobbying plans on conflict and humanitarian crises.

Expert opinion Sudan's domestic and international activists have been calling for more support for their cause. With more than 7 million people internally displaced, Sudan is facing the world's largest internal displacement crisis. Despite several rounds of talks, momentum for a ceasefire has been lacking, and the country has become more divided as Darfur falls to the RSF. Greater momentum for a ceasefire and humanitarian access are needed, but farmers must be assured they can produce food. Sudan is entering a rainy season that is expected to be heavier and longer than usual, raising concerns about agricultural damage and the spread of disease.

In Britain, Sudanese expatriate activists have argued that support for some of those evacuated by Britain in the early days of the war was lacking, particularly as dependants of British citizens were not given clear legal status and, unlike Ukrainian nationals, had no way of staying in the country.

Development Expenditure

In November 2020, then-Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced that he would break his manifesto pledge by cutting the overseas aid budget by a third and ending the Conservatives’ pledge to spend 0.7% of national income on aid as recommended by the UN.

Mitchell opposed the government's decision. He said he wanted to bring it back as soon as possible, but that it would be brought back after two financial tests were completed. [not borrowing to finance day-to-day spending and underlying debt is falling] I am satisfied.

The party has pledged to introduce strict national interest tests for all future international development spending.

RAF personnel and charity workers drop off relief supplies for those affected by the cyclone that hit Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi in March 2019. Photograph: Cpl Tim Laurence/Ministry of Defence/EPA

The Labour manifesto promised to return to 0.7% as soon as the budget allows. Labour did not clarify exactly what the criteria or timetable would be for this, or whether this would differ from the Conservatives’ commitment.

According to Moran of the Liberal Democratic Party, cutting development spending was the wrong decision and has tied our hands when it comes to responding to civil conflicts, famines and other humanitarian crises around the world.

The party wants to restore Britain's international development spending to 0.7% of national income and re-establish an independent Department for International Development.

The Green Party The Green Party will restore international aid to 0.7% of global income and increase it to 1% by 2033. The party will also increase climate finance to 1.5% of global income by 2033 and make additional contributions to the newly established Loss and Damage Fund.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has pledged to immediately restore the UK’s share of international aid to 0.7%. Chris Law, a member of the International Development Committee, said that should be the minimum requirement for all parties. If we are serious about our place in the world, we should return to 0.7% as soon as possible. I have previously said that I would like to raise it to 1% for an independent Scotland.

The party also pledged to increase investment in reducing the losses and damage caused by the climate crisis.

The party supports the UN target for countries to spend 0.7 per cent of their GDP on international aid and urges the next UK government to urgently re-establish this commitment.

Reform UK Reform UK has called for a 50% cut in international development spending and a major review of the effectiveness of foreign aid in its manifesto. It also called for a review of global parastatals, to which Britain pays more than $7 billion a year. Bond, a UK network of organizations working on international development, said this would mean multilateral development spending through agencies such as the Global Fund, which invests more than $5 billion (£3.9 billion) a year to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Expert opinion When announced in 2020, charities, aid professionals and MPs condemned the funding cuts, calling them unprincipled, unjustified and harmful. The cuts left a $4.6 billion black hole in the budget compared to 2019, and many programmes were cut in 2021, including in key areas such as health and humanitarian work. Last year, the government admitted that the ongoing cuts would cost thousands of lives. In January, an International Development Committee report said the cuts had a devastating impact on women and girls, damaging the UK’s reputation as a trusted and serious partner in promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights globally.

The biggest international development challenge

If the Conservatives form the next government, their manifesto states that their International Development White Paper will continue to influence their overall international development priorities. Mitchell said: [The white paper] The goal is to put the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) back on track, fight climate change, and increase climate financing from billions to trillions of dollars.

Mitchell said his biggest concern was Africa, adding that more funding was needed to adapt to the impacts of the climate crisis, particularly in the continent's poorer countries.

Labour has accused the Conservatives of damaging Britain's global reputation for international development, but plans to immediately order a review of how the UK can rebuild its development capacity and leadership to help it work towards a world without poverty.

After the declaration was published, Lisa Nandy, the shadow cabinet secretary for international development, said in a letter: “There are multiple crises around the world that demand our immediate attention and we cannot afford to waste time as we must reverse years of Tory chaos.”

The Liberal Democrats' Moran said it was vital to restore the UK's place as a development superpower on the world stage as we tackle the enormous development challenges facing the world, from insecurity and conflict to the growing impacts of the climate crisis.

The party's manifesto includes commitments to increased humanitarian assistance to Sudan, formal and immediate recognition of a Palestinian state, and a foreign policy agenda that puts gender equality at the heart of the agenda.

Climate is the biggest foreign development challenge, according to the Green Party spokesperson. They said they must support and cooperate with low- and middle-income countries to tackle the challenge of global warming.

The party stressed the importance of upholding international law in the Gaza and West Bank conflicts. The spokesperson said Britain’s diplomatic isolation of Gaza does not give us a strong voice in tackling climate issues.

The Greens focus on Gaza, Sudan, Myanmar and Ukraine, and argue that all conflicts should be treated equally, without discrimination.

British troops airlift food to civilians in the Gaza Strip in April 2024. Photo: Cpl Tim Laurence RAF/Reuters

According to the Scottish National Party, the climate crisis and conflict are the two biggest challenges facing all governments when it comes to international development and humanitarian assistance.

He cited the situation in Gaza as a particular concern. He said Gaza is clearly in need of immediate assistance. Israel is forcing people to starve as aid continues to be blocked to Gaza. It is very serious. Getting more humanitarian aid to Gaza will be a top priority.

Plaid Cymru did not respond to the Guardian, but the manifesto calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, supports Palestinian statehood and supports a peaceful, negotiated outcome to all conflicts.

The Reform UK party's manifesto makes no mention of international development issues, and no spokesperson responded to the Guardian's request for comment.

Experts' opinion The next government faces multiple conflicts that divide humanitarian and diplomatic resources. People in Gaza and Ukraine continue to demand attention, while fighting and displacement continue in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti. There is a record amount of internal displacement, and the problem is not only the new conflicts, but also the lack of solutions to old conflicts that mean people cannot return to their normal lives. While aid agencies are demanding more money to respond to all these crises, without real solutions, they will simply continue.




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