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UK election: A guide to party leaders Sunak, Starmer, Farage and Davey


London British voters head to the polls on Thursday in a vote that could hand over the keys to 10 Downing Street to the ruling Conservative Party after 14 years in power.

This is a parliamentary election, so the public is technically voting for an MP rather than choosing the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. However, the leader of the winning party will ultimately lead the country, and party leaders have a huge influence on how people vote.

We introduce you to the key figures and interesting figures of this week's election.

Conservative Party Leader: Rishi Sunak, 44

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made history by becoming Britain's first person of colour with South Asian heritage to become Prime Minister. He is also Britain's first Hindu leader.

Sunak is very wealthy, a fact highlighted by the British press and opposition politicians. His wife, Akshata Murthy, is an Indian heiress, and according to the Sunday Times Rich List, the Sunaks have a combined personal fortune greater than that of Charles III.

Sunak enjoyed a popularity that earned him the tabloid nickname “Dici Risi” during his early years as finance minister. But as prime minister, he has been dogged by claims that he is out of touch with the times, and has faced criticism over the country’s livelihoods crisis, long waiting times for the National Health Service and his controversial policy of deporting asylum seekers from Rwanda.

His sudden call for a summer election surprised many, including his own party, and the Economist newspaper dubbed him Rishi the Rash. Even his election announcement did not go smoothly. He was soaked in pouring rain when he called for votes, prompting jokes about the prospects for his party, which is widely expected to do poorly, with some analysts predicting its biggest election defeat in decades.

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Fun fact: Despite her political difficulties, Sunack lasted at least as long as her predecessor, Liz Truss, who lasted less than 50 days. Truss became so unpopular so quickly that she was jokingly compared to an iceberg lettuce, meaning her political lifespan was shorter.

Labour Leader: Keir Starmer, 61

Keir Starmer leads the opposition Labour Party, which is widely expected to win this year's election.

Starmer is often described by the press and critics as boring, uncharismatic or politically timid. Britain’s Spectator magazine asked last year: Is Keir Starmer too boring to be prime minister? Another commentator called him No Drama Starmer, but argued that his boredom might appeal to voters tired of the chaos of 14 years and five prime ministers.

Labour leader Keir Starmer is tipped to win the July 4 election and become Britain’s new prime minister. Here’s everything you need to know about him. (Video: Naomi Shannen/The Washington Post)

Starmer stressed that Labour would be a security-focused government, including protecting our borders and the economy and putting more police on the streets to crack down on petty crime.

Starmer was knighted in 2014 for services to criminal justice and previously served as a Crown Prosecution Service, one of the most senior criminal prosecutors in the country. He was the first in his family to go to university and has often been keen to highlight his working-class background.

Fun fact: Starmer attended Taylor Swift's concert in London last month, taking a break from her campaign.

UK Reform Party Leader: Nigel Farage, 60

Nigel Farage has never been elected to the British Parliament, but he has had a major impact on British politics over the past few decades. His anti-immigration policies appeal to right-wing voters, and he played a leading role in the Brexit campaign that led to Britain’s exit from the European Union in 2016.

As leader of the recently founded right-wing Reform UK Party, Farage is making his eighth attempt at parliamentary elections, and the populist politician looks set to do well this time.

Although much smaller than Labour and the Conservatives, his party has made headlines for its ability to steal Conservative votes and for the racist or abusive comments made by some supporters and candidates whom the party has sought to distance itself from.

Farage recently made headlines for suggesting that the West provoked Russian President Vladimir Putin into invading Ukraine, drawing criticism from other politicians.

Former US President Donald Trump has previously described Farage as his friend, and Farage boasted that Trump had learned a lot from him. The two had a high-profile photoshoot in 2016, shortly after Trump won the election, and Farage interviewed Trump on the right-leaning GB News channel this year, a sign of their enduring political friendship.

Fun fact: Last year, Faraj appeared on a popular British reality TV show, and as part of the challenge, he had to live in a jungle camp, sleep outdoors, and eat pizza topped with animal genitalia.

Liberal Democrat Leader: Ed Davey, 58

Ed Davey took over the Liberal Democrats, as they are commonly known in the UK, in 2020. The Liberal Democrats are a minority party and are ranked fourth in the UK opinion polls ahead of this election.

The party is often seen as competing with the Conservatives and Labour for moderate voters, but there is widespread speculation that the Liberal Democrats and Labour are avoiding each other's parliamentary seats in this election in order to force the Conservatives out of power.

During this campaign, Davey was best known for his high-profile media stunts: he fell off a paddleboard into a lake, rode a giant roller coaster, splashed and slid down a water slide, and did a makeover on television.

He said that if you do it the traditional way, that is, you speak from a podium, you get some coverage, but people don't pay much attention. I think if you take a slightly different approach, with a little humor and a little emotion, you can get people's attention.

Fun fact: In 1994, before he became a politician, Davie saw an approaching high-speed train and rescued a woman who was trapped between the tracks and the station platform, carrying her to safety.

All of Britain’s major political parties are currently led by men, but two women have recently served as prime ministers: Truss and Theresa May of the Conservative Party. As of February, a third of the House of Commons members were women, according to parliamentary data, roughly the same proportion as in the US Congress.




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