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UK General Election: How it happens, when will the results come out, and why does it matter to the world? | General Election 2024


The UK general election takes place on July 4th. Here we take a look at how elections are conducted in the UK and what could happen this time.

How are general elections conducted in the UK?

The United Kingdom, which includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is divided into 650 constituencies, or geographical electoral districts or districts.

Voters vote for who will represent their constituency in the British Parliament. Candidates run as members of the major political parties, including Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Scottish National Party, Green Party, UK Reform Party, New FIN and Democratic Unionist Party. Candidates can also run as independents.

The candidate who receives the most votes in that constituency is elected as a Member of Parliament (MP).

The party with the most seats in parliament forms a government if it secures a majority (at least 326 seats).

How many people can vote in the UK? And how many will vote?

According to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a public body that provides official UK data, around 49 million people are registered to vote in the UK.

According to the eligibility rules, a voter must be registered to vote in the constituency and be 18 years of age or older on election day. A voter must be a British citizen, a qualified Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland. Prisoners cannot vote. Voting is not compulsory.

In 2019, 67.3% of registered voters cast their ballots, down 1.5 percentage points from 68.8% in 2017. This was the first time in four consecutive general elections that voter turnout had declined.

According to figures compiled by the House of Commons Library, the lowest voter turnout in a general election since World War II was in 2001, when it fell to 59.4 percent, while the highest since the war was 83.9 percent in 1950.

How do you vote in the UK?

In the UK, you can vote in person at a polling station in a public building, such as a school or community Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on election day.

Voters are given a ballot and mark a cross next to the candidate they wish to support.

In Britain, it is possible to register to vote by post, but this has been a source of controversy in the final days of the election campaign.

In the UK, you can apply for a proxy vote even if you are away from home on election day or have a disability or health problem.

From May 2023, voters will need to bring a photo ID, such as a driving licence or passport, to a polling station in the UK.

When will the results be announced?

The first indicator of the outcome is the widely accepted exit poll developed by statisticians Professor John Curtis and David Firth. The poll, which is released at 10pm on election night, is considered to be highly accurate and is based on votes cast in a mock election at about 130 polling stations.

The first moment of election night that gives a concrete indication of where voters stand. This forecast is shared by broadcasters BBC, ITV and Sky. In the last five general elections, the margin of error has been between 1.5 and 7.5 seats.

After that, we have to wait for each constituency to announce their results. The first results are expected around 11:30 p.m., with more results expected by 3 a.m. About 440 of the 650 seats will be announced over the next two hours. Typically, all seats are announced by 8 a.m. on Friday.

The results are announced at the counting center and are reported by the media throughout the night. Unlike the US, the media does not mention any particular party. As the night goes on, it will become clearer which party has passed the 326 seats needed for a majority.

What do the polls say?

For the past year, opinion polls have consistently predicted a clear Labour victory, ending 14 years of Conservative rule.

As of Tuesday 2 July, the Guardian election polling tracker showed Labour ahead of the Conservatives by 20 points (40.7% to 20.7%). This is an average of polls over a 10-day rolling period.

This would see Labour increase its seats from 203 in the previous parliament to 428, while the Conservatives would fall from 365 in the previous term to 127. This would give Labour a majority of 102 seats.

Who is the leader of the party?

Rishi Sunack is the leader of the Conservative Party and the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He has been the leader since October 2022. His constituency is Richmond, Yorkshire, in the north of England, and he has represented it since 2015. Sunack became Prime Minister after the disastrous short-lived term of Liz Truss, and has established himself as a safe-hands leader through a turbulent period at the top of government. Before entering politics, the privately educated Oxford graduate worked in investment banking and hedge funds.

Keir Starmer has led the Labour Party and the official opposition since April 2020. He took up the leadership role after Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing vision failed to win over voters. First elected as an MP for Holborn and St Pancras in north London in 2015, Starmer previously served as Shadow Brexit Secretary and Shadow Immigration Secretary. Trained as a barrister at Leeds and Oxford Universities, Starmer’s legal career culminated in his position as the Lord Chancellor of the Exchequer, the head of the criminal prosecution service in England and Wales.

Other party leaders include the Liberal Democrats' Ed Davey, the Scottish National Party's John Sweeney, the Greens' Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsey, and the UK Reform Party's Nigel Farage.

Why is this election important?

This election is particularly significant because it comes at a particularly turbulent time for British politics. David Cameron’s austerity policies, the 2016 Brexit referendum, the post-Brexit negotiations that toppled Theresa May, the rise and fall of Boris Johnson sparked by the Partygate scandal, the revelations that Johnson and other senior figures had broken UK Covid rules during the pandemic, and Liz Truss’ record-breaking 50-day term in office have all occurred in a period many have described as tumultuous.

Scandals plagued the Conservative Party during the campaign, with senior Tory figures accused of using inside information to place bets on election day.

Polls show voters are ready to back the centre-left Labour Party, while the populist Reform UK party is also gaining ground.

This interesting combination makes this general election one of the most eagerly anticipated in years.




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