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New head of UK nursing regulator resigns after four days of racism controversy


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The new interim chief executive of England's nursing regulator has resigned just four days after taking office after facing a widespread backlash from staff over his links to high-profile racist incidents.

Several staff working at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have raised concerns with board members over the appointment of Don Broderick, who was head of human resources at the time, as interim CEO after it emerged he had discriminated against black staff at another trust.

The Independent now reveals that Mrs Broderick resigned from the NMC on Monday evening.

A new report predicts that if current trends continue, England’s official NHS workforce plan will recruit nearly 11,000 new nurses by 2025, short of its target (PA Wire)

It is the latest in a series of controversies that have hit the nursing regulator following a report last year by The Independent, which included claims from whistleblowers that racism within the NMC was leaving complaints against nurses unchecked.

The organisation should consider the findings of a major cultural review commissioned by Nazir Afzal KC and Rise Associates following the publication of this article. Mr Afzal wrote a highly critical review of the London Fire Brigade last year.

Staff at the nursing regulator have warned The Independent that they have no confidence the NMC board will take issues with racism seriously.

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Ms. Broderick's appointment as CEO was announced on Thursday following the announcement that former CEO Andrea Sutcliffe was stepping down due to health issues.

Meanwhile, on June 6, Matthew McLelland, another member of the NMC board and executive director of strategy and insights, announced he was resigning to take a career break.

The short-lived new CEO previously headed human resources at King's College Hospital in London, which became embroiled in a high-profile employment trial.

The trust was ordered to pay $1 million to IT manager Richard Hastings in 2018 after it was revealed he had been unfairly dismissed and subjected to racial discrimination.

Mr Hastings was dismissed after allegations of assault against him, but the tribunal ruled that the trust investigation ignored his claims of racial abuse. It ruled that the disciplinary process consistently portrayed Hastings as an aggressor.

NMC originally defended the appointment of Ms Broderick as interim chief executive, arguing that she had done her duty despite concerns from staff across the organisation. It also defended the appointment of reputation management firm River Ephra to handle the fallout from the review after staff raised concerns about the company’s links to the Stephen Lawrence investigation.

Andrea Sutcliff (PA), former chief executive of NMC

The resignation comes ahead of a major review of the culture of fear within the NMC due to take place next week, which was commissioned after The Independents reported on the whistleblower's concerns.

A senior NMC staffer told The Independent before Ms Brodericks left: “I am concerned about the organisation. The leadership has lost touch. I think the decision by the NMC to appoint this person is a terrible one. The two main challenges for the organisation are the delays in processing cases and the response to the Rise report.

The board overlooked moral values ​​despite concerns raised by employees, they said.

Senior NHS officials have also raised concerns, The Independent has learned, as have nurses regulated by the NMC.

Roger Cline, an NHS racism expert who launched the argument that the NMC should reconsider its appointment, said: “The decision by the NMC council to appoint someone with a questionable record of racism as chief executive is a serious mistake.”

He added: The NMC now needs new leadership to change the culture, to challenge bullying and racism, to acknowledge the NMC’s ​​failings and to give staff and registrants confidence that they can create a NMC that works for patients.

Sir David Warren, Chair of the NMCs Council, said: Last week we announced the appointment of Dawn Brodrick CB as interim Chief Executive and Registrar. Dawn has since decided not to take up the role.

We will update you on our preparations for the Interim Chief Executive Officer and Registrar later this week.

This story was updated at 11:35 a.m. with a response from NMC.




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