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U.S. Fully Committed to Defending Ukraine, Pentagon Official Says > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


The United States is fully committed to continuing its support for Ukraine as it fights for its survival in the face of Russian aggression, Pentagon spokesman Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said today.

Ryder spoke after Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov met with Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III at the Pentagon. Austin told Umerov that the United States would soon announce a new security assistance package for Ukraine worth about $2.3 billion.

The plan will be a combination of the presidential withdrawal authorization and funding from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Ryder said the plan will provide urgently needed air defense interceptors to protect Ukrainian cities and civilians from relentless Russian air attacks. It will also provide artillery and anti-tank weapons to meet Ukraine's needs on the front lines.

Umerov updated Austin on the dynamics on the ground in Ukraine. “What we continue to see on the ground is that it’s still an uphill battle,” Ryder said. “Russia continues to try to gain ground, and the Ukrainians have done a good job of holding the line.”

The Russians have taken advantage of the suspension of U.S. funding to Ukraine to try to gain ground in the country. While they have gained some territory, it has come at a huge cost, and they “have not really accomplished much in terms of size,” Ryder said. “So what we see now is that the Ukrainians, largely bolstered by the security assistance that has been provided to them urgently, are continuing to hold their ground. We will continue to support them in their efforts to defend themselves.”

Ryder also previewed the NATO summit in Washington next week. The meeting marks the 75th anniversary of the defense pact. “The secretary of state will join President Joe Biden,” he added. [in] “We celebrate this important milestone while advancing key policy priorities,” the general said.

Summit priorities will include implementing NATO's new critical deterrence and defence plans, strengthening long-term support for Ukraine, and promoting Ukraine's future membership in NATO.

At the summit, the secretary of state will work to increase defense industrial production and ensure adequate defense investment by allies. He will also work to deepen practical cooperation between NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners, including Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, Ryder said. “Since its inception 75 years ago, NATO has been the greatest defensive alliance in human history.” Next week[‘s] The summit highlights the [United States’] “Canada’s unwavering commitment to NATO and the Alliance’s essential role in maintaining global security and stability.”




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