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Polls show Labour will win a landslide victory in the UK general election


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Britain goes to the polls on Thursday, with Labour expected to win a historic landslide victory that will see Sir Keir Starmer take power, leaving Rishi Sunak's Conservatives facing one of the worst defeats in their history.

Polls suggest Starmer will win a majority in the House of Commons, beating Tony Blair's 179 seats in 1997, giving Labour its first general election win since 2005.

Polling stations open at 7am and close at 10pm, but anyone still in line can still vote, by which time the scale of Sunnack's expected defeat will become clear. Polls suggest the Conservatives will win fewer seats than the 156 they won in 1906, their worst result to date.

Starmer said Britain could begin a new chapter today as it prepares to vote, a new era of hope and opportunity after 14 years of turmoil and decline.

Before a single vote was counted, Mel Stride, a close ministerial ally of Sunnack, declared that Labor was likely to win the biggest landslide victory in the country's history.

Starmer previously said he had told his team not to rest on their laurels, but added that Labour had made significant preparations to form a government.

So we're not ahead of the curve, but we've been working really hard on the premise that this needs to be operational from day one, and that's our intention,” he said.

The prime minister has warned that giving Labour a majority is dangerous in a last-ditch attempt to persuade voters to stick with the Conservatives and ensure his party can at least be an effective opposition.

The air of despair hanging over the Conservative campaign, a catalogue of mistakes and self-inflicted damage over the past six weeks, was further deepened on the eve of the vote when Rupert Murdoch’s party backed Starmer. The Tories were exhausted, the tabloids reported.

A series of large-scale MRP polls predicting a Labour victory by an unprecedented margin have made matters worse.

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A YouGov poll on Wednesday predicted Labour would win 431 seats, while the Conservatives would win just 102 and the Liberal Democrats would win a record 72 seats, surpassing the 62 they won in 2005.

The poll found Nigel Farages' Reform UK party won just three seats, but the populist party helped to boost Labour's victory by taking support away from the Conservatives nationwide. The Scottish National Party was forecast to fall to second place in Scotland, behind Labour, with 18 seats.

YouGov's scenario would see key Tory figures including Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and House of Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt be ousted.

Former Conservative prime minister Liz Truss is facing a tight race with Labour in the Norfolk constituency, but polls suggest Sunack herself will hold on in the Yorkshire constituency of Richmond.

The Conservative Party's latest internal forecasts suggest it will confidently hold on to around 80 seats, with around 60 other constituencies also expected to be contested, a senior Conservative source said.

That suggests that even in an optimistic scenario, the Conservatives could elect around 140 MPs, down from the 365 they had in the previous election. A Conservative spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ahead of what is likely to be one of the darkest nights in Conservative history, Sunack acknowledged that some voters are seeking revenge for years of low living standards, poor public services and political turmoil.

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I understand that people are frustrated with our party. I am, too. We haven't done everything perfectly right. He added: Tomorrow's vote is not a by-election for the past, it's a vote for the future.

Some conservatives are already discussing a fight for control of the party amid the ashes of defeat, with former Interior Minister Suela Breverman calling for a more far-right approach.

But former Conservative prime minister Boris Johnson entered the race late in the campaign and warned against any rapprochement with Farage, whom he called Putin's pet parrot.

Labor strategists fear some voters may decide to stay home because the outcome of Thursday's vote is already certain.

Starmer called Stride's comments voter suppression and an attempt to get people to stay home and not go out to vote.

Sunnack expects some Tory swing voters to return, repeatedly warning that an unfettered Labour government would raise taxes and reopen Johnson's Brexit negotiations to allow free movement.

With many constituencies on the brink, the outcome is far from clear and the Conservatives could do better than the polls suggest. Labour is consistently 20 points ahead.

Sunnack faces a far more unlikely and bleak scenario, within the margin of error of some polls, where the Conservatives do so poorly that they finish third behind Sir Ed Davey's Liberal Democrats.

The final MRP poll from Focaldata gave Labour a majority of 238 seats, while the More in Common poll had Starmer's party winning with a 210-seat margin. The JLP poll had Labour winning a majority of 234 seats.

If the polls are accurate, Starmer's victory will be confirmed early on Friday morning, after which power will transfer from the Conservatives to Labour.

Video: Ambiguous Politics: Sunak's Sinking Emotions




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