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Results show a landslide victory for Labour, a surge for the far right and a landslide victory for the Conservatives – Euractiv


Exit polls for the UK general election have shown the centre-left Labour Party winning an overwhelming majority, marking the end of the right-wing Conservative Party that has ruled Britain since 2010.

Exit polls showed Labour winning 410 seats, similar to the 418 seats (179 seats majority) achieved when Tony Blair led Labour to victory in 1997.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak's Conservatives are expected to reach a historic low in terms of seats, with just 131 seats, less than half the 365 they won in 2019. The party has been trailing Labour in opinion polls since 2022.

Brexit leaves scars

At first glance, the expected outcome for Europe may not seem like a big deal in the immediate future, with Labour and Conservative manifestos barely mentioning EU-UK relations and pundits still expecting a long-term economic divide.

But Labour has made some promises to forge a more 'sense' relationship with Europe – including a commitment to harmonise regulations on chemicals and to pursue an EU-UK defence deal, for example – but they have ruled out any membership structure or any steps that might be seen as supporting European integration.

Labour's move away from Europe is the expected outcome for far-right Reform Britain. Nigel Farage's party is expected to win 13 seats. Before the election, they had one MP, Ashfield's Lee Anderson, who defected from the ruling Conservative Party. At 2am (UK time), Anderson became the first Reform Britain MP to win an election on his own.

There was a moment in the election campaign when Reform UK was neck and neck with the Conservatives in the popular vote. But the winner-takes-all dynamics of Britain’s majority-presidential election system make it difficult for a new party to convert voter share into parliamentary seats.

Even though Reform UK did not win many seats, it consistently came second and third in national primaries and won tens of thousands of votes from the Conservatives, who were seen as having 'broken Brexit'. Scholar Simon Usherwood wrote on X shortly after the exit poll that Reform's expected results were ideal for promoting its agenda inside parliament and winning the Conservatives over to its side. Former Conservative MP Andrea Leadsom has already suggested her party failed in elections because it was 'too woke'.

The Liberal Democrats, a centrist party in Britain, made a modest recovery, with exit polls predicting they would win 61 seats, roughly the same as their 2010 performance (62), but then they formed a coalition with the Conservatives and broke their election promise not to raise university tuition fees, reducing their number to eight.

The Scottish National Party won 10 seats in the exit poll, a figure lower than the previous election when they had a narrow lead in Scotland. They have struggled to regain political momentum since former leader Nicola Sturgeon resigned as party leader.

The Greens are expected to win two seats in Brighton for the first time, up from their historically low of one. Plaid Comrie, a pro-Welsh home rule and independence party, is expected to win four seats, with 19 seats classified as 'other' according to exit polls.

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