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Live updates: UK election results; Labour on the road to landslide victory – exit polls


People celebrate the exit poll results at the “Stop the Conservatives” post-election party in London on July 4.

Susan Plunkett/Reuters

Britain's decision to hand a parliamentary majority to the centre-left Labour Party comes at a time when some are seeing a surge of right-wing populism across Europe, according to exit polls.

Last month’s European elections saw far-right and far-right parties elect a historic number of MPs to the European Parliament. The result caused such chaos that French President Emmanuel Macron called for early elections in his country, and a far-right rally won the first round of voting last week.

A government comprised of far-right figures was formed in the Netherlands this week. Italy is led by its most right-wing leader since the fascist war leader Benito Mussolini. Such election victories and the possibility of a populist right wing coming to power are no longer surprising in European countries.

There are many reasons for the rise of populism, often unique to individual countries. But broadly speaking, many European countries are struggling with sluggish economies, high immigration, and high energy prices, partly due to the drive for net-zero carbon. The European Union is often blamed by populist politicians for the nation’s woes, giving oxygen to an increasingly Eurosceptic national discourse.

So why would the UK, the only country to have held a referendum on EU membership due to Euroscepticism, be expected to buck this trend?

Despite the expected numbers, the British right is far from dead. The Conservatives are expected to outperform several polls during the campaign, despite an undeniably disappointing night, some of which saw them fall by double figures in parliament.

Another party that looks set to beat poll expectations is the populist right-wing Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, a long-time Tory scourge. He is best known these days for his friendship with former US President Donald Trump. He was previously credited with making Brexit possible after decades of campaigning against Britain’s EU membership.

Parry’s political successes to date have all been achieved without him holding a seat in parliament. Now, not only is he expected to win a seat for himself, he also has 12 colleagues ready to throw grenades at Labour leader Keir Starmer. It may seem like a minor issue compared to Starmer’s expected three-figure majority, but Parry’s influence on the debate over the future direction of the Conservative Party is likely to push it further to the right.

It is possible that Farage’s right-wing split actually helped Starmer increase his majority in parliament. The strange thing about British politics is that a party’s share of the vote does not necessarily translate into seats. And with Reform doing well in many of the seats that Labour ultimately wins, it is not only impossible to ignore the hard right in this parliament, but it is easy to see their influence growing.

Britain has many of the same problems as other European countries, and if Starmer fails as prime minister, there is every chance he will continue to capture the public imagination as he has elsewhere in Europe.




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