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General election results live: Starmer celebrates Labour's landslide victory as 14 years of Conservative rule end


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Sir Keir Starmer says change starts now as he enters Downing Street with the biggest House of Commons majority in history.

The Labour leader said it was time to deliver, as the party had officially secured the 326 seats needed to secure a majority, amid thunderous applause.

Rishi Sunak has said he has urged Sir Keir to concede defeat after the party suffered a crushing defeat. Exit polls show the party will lose just 131 seats, down from 365 five years ago.

Several senior Conservative MPs, including Penny Mordaunt, Grant Shapps and Jacob Rees-Mogg, have lost their seats, and more are expected to lose their seats as the final result is announced.

Exit polls show Labour will win a majority of around 170 seats, or about 410 seats.

The Liberal Democrats are expected to win 61 seats, Reform UKP 13, the Greens 2, the Scottish National Party 10 and Plaid Comrie 4.

Elsewhere, Nigel Farage was elected in Clacton, winning his seat on his eighth attempt.

Key Points View Latest Update 1720153838 Watch: Rishi Sunak concedes defeat to Labour Rishi Sunak concedes defeat to Labour, retaining Richmond and Northallerton seats

Holly Evans5 Jul 2024 05:30

1720153819Dan Norris: We've finished Mog-Ext'

Dan Norris, the new MP for North East Somerset and Hanham, said he had achieved a Mogg-Seat victory after defeating Sir Jacob Rees Mogg.

He said: We finished the mog-sheet.

It is a great honour to serve the people of Keynsham, North East Somerset, Hanham and surrounding areas. This is my home. I am very proud of all the communities and want to see our area become the best it can be.

Keir Starmer changed Labour, and now he will change the country for the better. This is a victory for honesty. There are no more rules for them, and there are different rules for everyone else.

It's a victory for stability. Never forget the economic chaos that the British people are still paying for. Let's get to work now.

Javed Ahmed5 Jul 2024 05:30

1720153776Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg congratulates Starmer on his historic win

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has congratulated Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer on his historic victory.

He lost to Labour's Dan Norris in the new North East Somerset and Hanham constituency in the 2010 election.

Speaking at the University of Bath after the results were announced, Sir Jacob said: Firstly, I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to Dan Norris. He was a former public servant for North East Somerset (then known as Wansdyke) and I am sure he will continue to be a dedicated local MP.

And congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer for leading his party to a historic victory. And that is the great virtue of our democracy, so I congratulate you both.

Sir Jacob thanked his agent, campaign director and constituency staff for their hard work over the past 14 years.

He said: And the last thought of Caractacus Potts is, From the ashes of disaster the rose of success grows. So thank you all very much, and sleep well.

Holly Evans5 July 2024 05:29

1720153659Photo: Sir Keir Starmer arrives at victory rally Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria arrive at the Tate Modern (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire) Starmer hugs his wife after his victory speech (REUTERS) Labour leader's wife Victoria cheers at a town hall party (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)

Holly Evans5 July 2024 05:27

1720153534 Photo: A prankster holds an L sign behind Rishi Sunak

Prankster Nico O'Millana was seen holding an L-shaped sign behind Rishi Sunak as he conceded defeat to Labour.

The YouTuber ran as an independent candidate in the district and received 160 votes.


Javed Ahmed5 Jul 2024 05:25

1720153271Current situation: Labour leads with 348 seats

With results announced in 500 constituencies, Labour won 348 seats with 35.9% of the vote.

The Conservatives won 76 seats and 22.4% of the vote.

The Liberal Democrats won 46 seats with 11.1% of the vote, while the Reform UK Party won four seats with 14.6% of the vote.

The SNP won four seats, Plaid Cymru four and the DUP three.

The Green Party won two seats with 6.8% of the vote.

Holly Evans5 July 2024 05:21

1720152885 Diane Abbott wins Hackney seat after Labour controversy

Labour's Diane Abbott won Hackney North and Stoke Newington with a majority of more than 15,000 votes, down from 29,000 at the last election.

She has been serving as an independent member of parliament since being expelled from the party last year, sparking a long-running conflict.

Diane Abbott wins at Hackney North and Stoke Newington (Jonathan Brady/PA) (PA Wire)

Holly Evans5 July 2024 05:14

1720152738 The colorful hats of election officials that hit social media on election day

The colorful oath taken by election officials during the general election vote counting process attracted a lot of attention.

On social media, the brave headdress was portrayed as more magnificent and superior than the candidate himself.

Javed Ahmed5 Jul 2024 05:12

1720152664Starmer promises change for Labour

Sir Keir Starmer told the crowd: “We ran as a changed Labour Party and we will govern as a changed Labour Party.

I won't promise you that it will be easy. Changing a country is not like flipping a switch. It's hard work.

He continued: When things get tough, remember tonight and always what this means.

He promised to govern as a transformed Labour Party (AP)

Holly Evans5 July 2024 05:11

1720152646Johnny Mercer Out: Soldier Who Jumped Into Politics Without Voting

Minister for Veterans Affairs Jonny Mercer was defeated by Labor in Plymouth Moor View.

Javed Ahmed5 Jul 2024 05:10




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