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UK Labour Party Wins Landslide in UK General ElectionExBulletin

UK Labour Party Wins Landslide in UK General ElectionExBulletin


Labour leader Keir Starmer celebrates his 2024 general election victory during a speech at the Tate Modern in London on Friday. Ricky Vigil/Getty Images Europe .

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An earthquake has struck British politics in London.

As far-right parties have gained ground in France and elsewhere in Europe, Britain has moved in the opposite direction, with official election results on Friday showing Britain's centre-left Labour Party winning a landslide victory for the first time in 19 years under Tony Blair.

Newly appointed Prime Minister Keir Starmer hailed his victory as historic, saying on Friday morning: “Change starts now.

Late on Friday, he made his first speech outside 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's official residence, promising to lead a service-led government with a mission to “rebuild Britain”.

For the Conservatives, the party of Margaret Thatcher, Boris Johnson and outgoing prime minister Rishi Sunack, it was the worst defeat they have suffered in almost 200 years. Prominent MPs including former prime ministers Liz Truss, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Penny Mordaunt lost their seats in Parliament. Sunack retained his seat but resigned as Conservative leader on Friday and apologised to the nation.

I am sorry. I have done everything I can to make this happen, but you have sent a clear signal that the British government must change. Sunak told reporters as he and his wife left the prime minister’s official residence at 10 Downing Street for the last time. “I have heard your anger and disappointment and I take responsibility for this loss,” he said.

Britain's outgoing Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak speaks early Friday morning after retaining the Richmond and North Allerton parliamentary seat in North Allerton, northern England. Temilade Adelaja/Pool/AFP via Getty Images .

Caption toggle Temilade Adelaja/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

The Conservatives have been in power for 14 years, but have been punished at the election for all the chaos they have caused while in power: Brexit, which most Britons now regret; Johnson’s Partygate scandal, in which the then prime minister threw a party during the country’s Covid-19 lockdown and Johnson lied about it; and Johnson’s successor Truss’s disastrous 2022 budget, which has shocked financial markets.

According to the UN, Britain now has more children living in poverty than any other wealthy country. Without London, some estimate that Britain would be poorer than Mississippi, the poorest state in the US.

The Greens and Nigel Farage's Reform Britain also had a good night.

Smaller parties also made gains in this election. The environmentalist Greens had their most successful election night ever, making a record jump from one seat to four in the last parliamentary election in 2019. The centrist Liberal Democrats doubled their representation in parliament.

And the far-right, anti-immigrant Reform UK party is set to enter parliament for the first time, taking five seats, one of which is headed by Brexiteer Nigel Farage, who ran and lost seven times before. Reporters had previously said the party had won four seats, but a recount showed the fifth went to Reform.

In Scotland, the Scottish National Party, which once dominated the lobbying for Scottish independence from Britain, has collapsed, and Labour has won most of the SNP's seats.

In Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, the nationalist Sinn Fein party, which wants Northern Ireland to become independent from the United Kingdom and join the Republic of Ireland in the south, won the most seats, making it the region's largest party in the British Parliament.

But Labour did not win outright. It lost four seats to independent and pro-Palestinian candidates, and anger over the Gaza war led to a shock defeat on what had been a triumphant night for Labour.

World leaders congratulate Starmer

Congratulations poured in for Starmer on Friday.

President Biden spoke with the new prime minister on Friday and “looks forward to working closely together,” White House press secretary Carine Jean-Pierre said. She cited the “special relationship between our countries,” and Biden said he would welcome Starmer to Washington for the NATO summit next week.

Leaders from Australia and New Zealand also congratulated the new prime minister.

Meanwhile, China has responded: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday: “China is willing to work with the UK to push China-UK relations forward on the right track based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.”

Starmer is already prime minister

Unlike boiteux periods in the United States and elsewhere, in Britain, after a general election, the monarch invites the leader of the party with the most seats in the House of Commons to become prime minister and form a government.

Knighted Labour leader Starmer has already met with King Charles III and officially becomes British Prime Minister.

Since then, he has begun announcing the makeup of his cabinet, including appointing Rachel Reeves as the first female Chancellor of the Exchequer, equivalent to the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer.




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