Not all Labour, but everyone cheered: British voters' election results | General Election 2024

After 14 years of Conservative rule, Britain woke up on Friday to the news of Labour’s landslide election victory. Keir Starmer became prime minister after the historic defeat of Rishi Sunaks’ Conservative Party. The Liberal Democrats made a big gain, winning more than 70 seats, the Scottish National Party won nine, and the Greens, Plaid Comrie and Reform UK have each won four seats so far.
The majority vote system meant that Nigel Farage’s party won only a fraction of the seats despite winning more votes than the Liberal Democrats. Labour failed to significantly increase its vote share compared to 2019, while the Conservatives’ vote share fell by around 20 percentage points.
As Britain's political landscape shifted, voters shared their reactions to the election result.
The cabinet will be one of the most working class cabinets ever.
Actor George Wigzel, 39, voted Labour in Leyton and Wenstead.
I am glad that the Conservatives have fallen and that we have a Labour government at last. It was a long time coming. I am glad mostly for my father, who is in his 70s and has campaigned tirelessly for the past few years. He said that before I die, all he wants is a Labour government. Fortunately, he is healthy and well enough to enjoy it.
We brought 10 friends to see the results and stayed up until 4am. We had a giant coloured map of the constituency and posters of the Tory defeat, we drank Keir Royal and ate vegan chilli. Not all of us were Labour voters but we all cheered for the Tory defeat.
George Wigzel and friends holding a poster of the Tory downfall on election night. Photo: Guardian Community
I'm optimistic, especially at the ground level, that there are so many great people involved that it makes real sense. [hope]. It is also a cause for celebration that the cabinet will be one of the most working class cabinets ever. I am optimistic that the country will be a better place in the next five years.
We can refocus on solving the basic problems.
Kate Roberts, a 60-year-old performance artist, voted Labour in Clwyd East.
Kate Roberts. Photo: Kate Roberts/Guardian Community
I am delighted with the election results, particularly the Labour victory in my constituency. I believe that we will finally be able to address the concerns of local residents at grassroots level and at a wider national level, and that the people of Wales will be able to work together to open up to people from other parts of the country and benefit everyone, while also celebrating their culture and heritage.
The Labour government means everything to me because socialism symbolizes my core values and beliefs that everyone in society should have equal rights and opportunities. My concern is that after years of populist politics, conservative ideology may have become so strong that it has become deeply ingrained in our culture and society.
Starmer seems to know what he's talking about.
Nitin Menon, 38, runs a business and voted Labour in Brent East.
Nitin Menon. Photo: Nitin Menon/Guardian Community
This is my first British general election and I am positive about the result. I moved from India to the UK two years ago when Liz Truss became Prime Minister, and she seemed to have no idea what she was talking about. Sunak was popular in my home country, but he was not very trustworthy.
Starmer seems more balanced, more confident in his views, and he seems to know what he's talking about, but it seems more like a vote against the Conservatives than a vote for Labour.
In terms of reform, I think the whole narrative around British values and British culture is ridiculous. You can't talk about this in a global world. And their anti-immigrant stance seems to be more about xenophobia than anything else.
This is more a defeat for the Conservatives than a victory for Labour.
Lewis, a 40-year-old non-profit worker, voted Green in Lewisham West and East Dulwich.
I am very, very glad that the Conservatives did not come to power, but this seems to me to be a serious indictment of the majority winner as a voting system. This result does not represent the will of the people.
It's great to see the Green Party's seats grow like this. It's frustrating that because of the way our electoral system works, it means very little in most cases. [voting for smaller parties]But I still think it's worth voting for what you want.
I hope that the Labour Party will not be too proud of this victory. The Labour Party needs to take a long, hard look at this issue and face the truth. The Labour Party lost seats because of Palestine, but in many cases, it won seats because of reform.
Gone are the days when you could vote for just two parties.
Max, a 25-year-old retail manager, voted Liberal Democrat in Eastbourne.
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Max. Photo: Guardian Community
The days of voting for only two major parties are over. I think we have entered an era where, like other European countries, we can have a number of smaller parties forming governments, reflecting different political beliefs and making the country a better place. Not an us-versus-them mentality.
I'm really happy that the Liberal Democrats won more seats than expected. They are progressive and many people seem to support them more than Labour because they are pushing for some policies more strongly than Labour. I also voted for them because my seat was between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.
I didn't hate the SNP, but I didn't always know what they stood for.
Emily, in her 30s, works in local government and voted Labour in Edinburgh North and Leith.
I am delighted to see Labour back in power across the UK and hope the tone will change and the discourse will become more friendly. I have strategically voted Liberal Democrat when I lived elsewhere, but this election I voted Labour.
I think they represent kindness and fairness. I would be happy for my children to grow up under a Labour government. I didn't hate the SNP, they were fine, but I didn't always know what they represented other than independence.
I'm not sure what will change for us directly, but it's a change of feel and direction. I'm not sure if there will be any major changes to local government. I hope there will be fewer cuts to social services and more help for vulnerable adults. The cuts to services here are terrible.
I was shocked by the rise of Reform UK.
Charlie Mason, a 19-year-old student, voted Labour in Leeds North East.
It's great to know that after 14 years of Tory disaster, they're finally gone. I remember waking up every election day since I was 10 to find out that the Tories were still in power.
I have used my printmaking skills to make a few screen prints telling people to vote and put them in my window. I am shocked by the rise of Reform UK. It is really worrying to see this shift towards the far right, but I think a lot of this movement is due to Nigel Farage’s pantomime. I am very happy to hear that Carla Denyer has won her seat in Bristol.
Charlie Mason: The Conservative Party is finally gone! Photo: Guardian Community
The Labour Party doesn't exactly reflect my views, but there's something powerful about this change of government and being part of it. We're told we're voting for change now. Let's see if that happens.
I naturally vote Conservative, but I could be persuaded to vote Labour.
Thomas, 44, works in the city and voted Liberal Democrat in Queen's Park and Maida Vale.
I am a natural Conservative voter and this outcome will be very costly for me personally. The VAT on private school fees will be the most immediate hit. Beyond that, there is no doubt that Labour is planning tax increases despite what they say and high earners like me will be the ones who will be hit the hardest. From a narrow financial perspective, this is a very bad outcome for our family.
But I am emotionally delighted with the result. The Conservatives have been so shockingly low on competence over the last ten years and have promoted so many low-level people that I can't help but be delighted to see them wiped off the map.
The most important thing to me is the stability and capacity of the government, and Labor has earned the right to try that. If they do a good job, I can certainly be persuaded to vote for Labor in the future.
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