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Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us' Music Video Explained

Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us' Music Video Explained
Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us' Music Video Explained


Kendrick Lamar unveils the video for “Not Like Us”

Lamar released the music video for his Drake diss track on July 4 with cameos from friends and family.

Rapper Kendrick Lamar celebrated the Fourth of July by releasing the music video for his diss track “Not Like Us.”

The 17-time Grammy-winning rapper has garnered more than 15 million views in less than 24 hours.

The track, aimed at Drake, is part of an ongoing battle for the crown of “greatest rapper alive.”

They don't like us, they don't like us, they don't like us

The two rappers collaborated over a decade ago, but have since drifted apart.

In the clip, Kendrick appears to take on Drake even more through cameos and strategically choreographed scenes.

Who is Tommy the clown?

Appearances include his low-key partner, director Dave Free, Toronto Raptors star Demar Derozan and Tommy the Clown.

Kendrick, dubbed the “master of storytelling” and one of the greatest lyricists of our time, uses the clip to debunk rumors and attacks from Drake.

At the beginning of the video, a clown (Tommy the Clown) asks “What's the password?” to which Kendrick replies “I see dead people.”

Tommy the Clown is a popular Detroit dancer best known for creating the “clowning” style in the 1990s, which later evolved into krumping.

The answer refers to the popular horror film “The Sixth Sense” and the fact that Drake lost the conflict between the two.

The owl in the cage

Owls were a recurring theme in the music video from start to finish.

The owl refers to Drake's music label, OVO Sound, which has an owl as its logo.

In the video, the Pulitzer Prize-winning rapper is seen hitting an owl-shaped piñata with a stick.

Towards the end of the video, Kendrick paces around an owl that is apparently trapped in a cage.

Kendrick stares at the owl before walking away from it.

The imagery is likely a nod to Kendrick's belief that Drake is an industry plant who does whatever it takes to get attention without actually being “part of the culture.”

Dave Free and Kendrick allege

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – MAY 15: Dave Free speaks onstage during the 27th Annual Webby Awards on May 15, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images for Webby Awards)

In music by Dave Free and Kendrick Lamar, Free makes several appearances.

In his smear, “Family Matters,” Drake implies that Dave Free (Kendrick's lifelong friend) secretly fathered one of Lamar's children.

In the “Not Like Us” video, the credits end with: “Directed by Dave Free and Kendrick Lamar,” debunking rumors that the childhood friends had tensions between them.

But in the war of words between music industry titans Kendrick Lamar and Drake, the blows are delivered below the belt and the number of rounds is unlimited. Plus, all the fighting is taking place on social media at lightning speed.

Hey Drake, they're not slow.

Who is Kendrick Lamar's wife?

Drake also lashed out at Kendrick's partner Whitney Alford, suggesting that Lamar was abusive towards her.

In the video for “Not Like Us,” she is seen dancing happily in the living room with their two children, implying that the two are a happy family.

Alford is known to live a very private life with his daughter, Uzi, and their son, Enoch.

The two attended Centennial High School in their hometown of Compton, California, and have been together since they were teenagers.

The two got engaged in 2015.

Kendrick vs Drake: Who won?

In one corner, there is Kendrick, who has often been considered an intellectual rapper capable of using historical and cultural references in a triple and even quadruple sense.

On the other hand, there's Drake, who has had success in many musical genres, not to mention 13 number one albums of course.

Despite ongoing conflicts, both artists have managed to maintain their popularity and status as some of the greatest artists this generation has ever seen.

It's safe to say that Kendrick's “Not Like Us” is and will remain one of the most popular songs of the summer.

In short, the debate remains relevant.

Watch the full “Not Like Us.”




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